Multi-Mission Study


Cluster sample

Google spreadsheet of MMS cluster observations

XMM-Newton (Ivan): iachec_clusters_xmm_obs_all.csv

Chandra ACIS-I (Larry?): IACHEC_Cluster_of_Galaxies_WG.numbers

Chandra ACIS-S (do we want this? Yes, but concerns about level of BG)

Suzaku XIS (Eric): ...

NuSTAR (Dan): ...

Swift (Andy B): ...

AstroSat (Gulab): ...

HXMT (Chen): Perseus, Coma

NICER (Craig): ...

ROSAT (Kip or his designate): ...


We have a possibility to make one-to-one comparison of a few nearby, relaxed clusters with 6 different satellites (XMM/EPIC, CHANDRA/ACIS-I, ROSAT/PSPC, Suzaku/XIS, Swift/XRT and NuSTAR).

Average residual ratios of the four clusters analysed so far (A1795, A2029, PKS 0745-19 and Coma.

In the right panel the ratios are further scaled to unity at 0.75-1.0 keV. Each line corresponds to one instrument per EPIC-pn.