Multi-Mission Study

Cluster sample

Google spreadsheet of MMS cluster observations

XMM-Newton (Ivan): iachec_clusters_xmm_obs_all.csv (six clusters added to Google sheet)

Chandra ACIS-I (Larry?): IACHEC_Cluster_of_Galaxies_WG.numbers (six clusters added to Google sheet)

Chandra ACIS-S (do we want this? Yes, but concerns about level of BG)

Suzaku XIS (Eric): six clusters added to Google sheet

NuSTAR (Dan): ...

Swift (Andy B): ...

AstroSat (Gulab): ...

HXMT (Chen): Perseus, Coma

NICER (Craig): Craig says: for NICER cluster flux studies, radius is going to have to be < 180 arcsec. We can also enter a surface brightness profile into our ARF generator, but that assumes the spectrum of photons outside FOV is same as those inside.  (six clusters added to Google sheet)

ROSAT (Kip or his designate): ...

We have a possibility to make one-to-one comparison of a few nearby, relaxed clusters with 6 different satellites (XMM/EPIC, CHANDRA/ACIS-I, ROSAT/PSPC, Suzaku/XIS, Swift/XRT and NuSTAR).

Average residual ratios of the four clusters analysed so far (A1795, A2029, PKS 0745-19 and Coma.

In the right panel the ratios are further scaled to unity at 0.75-1.0 keV. Each line corresponds to one instrument per EPIC-pn.