This is the home page for the Advanced Topics in Nuclear Physice space.

List of Lectures (Location is 26-414, 3:30-5PM):

March 11: Heavy Ions-I (Gunther Roland)

Slides for Lecture I: 8.712_heavy_ion_part_1.pdf
Virtual journal on QCD Matter:

March 18: Heavy Ions-II (Gunther Roland)

Paper for Lecture II: 0802.3552.pdf
Slides for Lecture II: 8.712_heavy_ions_part_2.pdf

April 1: Neutrinos-I (Joseph Formaggio)

Slides from Lecture I: NuclearTopics_Lect1.pdf
Paper on original Cl-Homestake Experiment: prl_12_303_1964.pdf

April 8: Neutrinos-II (Joseph Formaggio)

Slides from Lecture I: NuclearTopics_Lect2.pdf

April 15: Why we think there is dark matter (Peter Fisher)

These five papers form the basis for our belief that massive neutral particles (WIMPS) or axions are the main component of dark matter. Please read each paper with particular attention to the Zwicky paper.
Fritz's Zwicky's 1933 paper Zwicky.pdf
Rubin and Ford paper on the measurement of the rotation curve of Andromeda 1970ApJ___159__379R.pdf
Numerical study of galactic dynamics 1973ApJ___186__467O.pdf
Cosmological Deuterium Abundance and the Baryon Density of the Universe 9603070v2.pdf
Limits on cold dark matter from the Gotthard Germanium Experiment GotthardDM.pdf
Here are some other interesting papers
A SLAC Beamline about Fritz Zwicky 31-1-maurer.pdf
Physics Today article by Vera Rubin 1970ApJ___159__379R.pdf

May 27: Dark Matter-II (Peter Fisher)

Slides from today: 8.712_20May2008.pdf
The most of the papers I discussed are posted above.
Original paper on detecting DM in Germanium detectors ahlen.pdf
ADMX paper admx.pdf
There is a terrific summary of "dark" astronomy in Science, Vol. 300, 20 June 2003
Michael Betancourt mentioned a recent paper pdf.pdf, along with a press release

May 6: Spin Physics-I (Richard Milner)

Relevant papers:
Donnelly&Raskin DonnellyRaskin.pdf
Crawford et al. Crawfordetal.pdf
Geis et al. Geisetal.pdf
Beck&McKeown BeckMcKeown.pdf
Hughes&Voss HughesVoss.pdf

May 13: Spin Physics-II (Bernd Surrow)