
  • Welcome and introducing the agenda, people settling in with lunch et al (Babi) 1230-1240
  • Updates 1240-1250
    • Image tools use case (Babi) 2 mins
    • Educational video use case (Steve) 2 mins
    • Stellar/OCW support use case (Babi + Cec) 2 mins
    • Sponsors' meeting (Babi) 2 mins
    • Academic administrators meeting (Babi) 2 mins
  • Help Us Develop an Academic Software Process That Works (Jonathan, Oliver) 1250-1350
    Use case workshop: A guided brainstorming session on academic software on campus, to lay the groundwork for new processes and models. Topics for discussion: current issues, changes in the landscape, funding models, trade-offs to consider, central vs. local, what would a successful process look like for you, your clients, and your department?
    Special guest: Jonathan Hunt, Manager of IS&T Software Release & Distribution
  • Understanding the impact of ACCORD 1350-1400
    • Faculty survey (Babi) 2 mins
    • Inputs from Accordiacs (Oliver) 5 mins
      setting the stage for in in-depth group exercise that we could conduct at the next Accordiacs mtg on March 27th

Materials and Notes

  File Modified
Text File Accordiacs Software Flipchart Notes.txt Transcribed flipchart notes on brainstorming SW process Jan 17, 2008 15:17 by Oliver Thomas
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow ACCORDiacs-Jan2008-Developing an Academic Software Process that Works.ppt Jon's Software Process slides Jan 17, 2008 15:16 by Oliver Thomas
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow ACCORDiacs for Jan 16_08.ppt Babi's slides Jan 17, 2008 15:16 by Oliver Thomas
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