Are you a graduate or undergraduate student who’s passionate about ENERGY and CLIMATE CHANGE? 

Apply to join the MIT Energy Initiative and explore NORWAY, GERMANY, and DENMARK and their respective clean energy efforts and technologies. 

Apply Below!

When? August 20-28, 2022 
*dates subject to change

Costs: $800 per student, including a $100 deposit
*limited scholarships are available
Part 1: Preparatory Meetings
Before embarking on the field trip (dates TBD), participating students will take part in two preparatory meetings on campus.
Part 2: Trip to Europe
From August 20-28, 2022, participating students will travel as a cohort to Norway, Germany and Denmark, engaging with energy technologies. Stops will include
  • Shell Technology Lab in Germany
  • Kiel University in Germany
  • Siemens Gansa
  • Green Labs
  • Ferry to Norway
  • Mädel
  • Equinor
  • & more!


Questions? Concerns? Email





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