Blog from November, 2011

Term: Spring 2012+
Applications will be Reviewed: Immediately. Continuing until position is filled.
The US DOT Federal Railroad Administration is supporting a two year study to develop a real-time scheduling decision support display and a heads up display concept for high speed rail applications. Goals are reduced operator workload, improved situation awareness, and increased safety and efficiency. The research includes a evaluation of existing techologies, hybrid cognitive task analysis, stakeholder interviews, display design, and ultimately human testing via cognitive walkthroughs and human-in-the-loop evaluations in a rail simulator.
Humans and Automation Laboratory and Man Vehicle Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Background in human factors engineering (e.g. 16.400), human subject experimentation, and/or programming (IPad or PC platforms, C/Objective, C/Java) helpful.
Reporting to: Dr. Andrew M. Liu & Dr. Charles M. Oman
Apply By: Email
Announced: Nov 1 Posted to ESD: November 8
More Info: Contact Dr. Andrew M. Liu,, 617 253-7758 or Dr. Charles M. Oman,, providing a copy of your resume.