Welcome to McCormick Hall
The purpose of this wiki is to provide information to first-year McCormick residents about the experience here. The initial content is populated from the McCormick "pre-frosh" FAQ. The content is dynamic, and will be changed as new questions come up. In addition, there is a place at the bottom of this page for you to post comments or new questions --- so if you figure out something you want to share with your new housemates, or questions about things not covered here, you can just add it.
I have added a pdf document that has all the floor plans for McCormick. In addition to allowing you to find your room, it also labels the amenities. Click on the "attachments" tab above. Alternatively, you can get it from the following link on the McCormick web site: http://web.mit.edu/mccormick/www/facilities/mccormick_floor_plans_2008.pdf
General Information
Where is McCormick located?
McCormick is located at the heart of campus, 5 minutes from Lobby 7 and less than a hop away from the StudentCenter.
What should I bring, what's in my room, etc.?
There are some McCormick-specific answers to questions like this on this page. However, there is an MIT page, http://web.mit.edu/housing/undergrad/freshman-faqs.html, that will answer a bunch of your questions (like "what are the dimensions of 'twin, extra-long sheets'"?). There's also an MIT housing page, http://web.mit.edu/housing/undergrad/freshman-faqs.html, that answers questions about what's in your room.
Is there a Facebook group for new McCormick residents?
Of course. This is 2008, isn't it? Click here to go to it.
I need to arrive early. May I?
Inquiries about early arrivals need to be addressed to the House Manager, Colleen Honohan (chonohan@mit.edu).
Unlike most college dormitories, MIT dorms are often used all summer (by conferences and summer residents), so it's always a bit of a chore to get things ready on time for the new arrivals. That's one, of many, reasons why it's not always easy to accommodate early arrivals. Still, contact Colleen if it's impossible to arrive during the normal time.
Your Room
Where is my room?
McCormick is split into three sections: East Tower, West Tower, and the Annex. If your room number is x01 - x17 (where x is a number 1-7), then your room is in the West Tower. If your room number is x21 - x40, then your room is in the East Tower. If your room number is x45 - x95, then your room is in the Annex.
How big is my room?
The MIT facilities department maintains a database that inventories every room at the Institute, including the number of square feet. It is organized by building number. The main towers of McCormick are building W4; the annex is W2. These links will take you to the inventory of W4 and W2 . These links will take you to the floor plans of w4 and W2 .
Do I have a river view?
Rooms x05 to x13, x26 to x34, x45, and x95 have a view of the Charles River.
Do I have to clean my room?
Well, yes and no. No one will do a room inspection, but you are the only person who will clean your room. If you have a roommate (or two), things will go bad pretty quickly if you don't keep things clean. Even if you have a single, your neighbors would be very grateful if you kept your room, if not organized, then at least non-smelly. Remember that the custodians will not clean your room for you! So, stock up on towels, dusters/swiffer wiper, and cleaning agents. Vacuums can be checked out from the front desk.
What should I bring?
We recommend the following; however keep in mind that your needs may differ. Check out the facilities section to get a better idea of what is provided and what isn't.
Personal Essentials - personal toiletries, shower bucket, first aid kit
Your Room - egg crate bed pad, twin extra long sheets, pillow cases, blankets, laundry bag/basket
Electronics - desk lamp, power supply source, batteries and flash light, alarm clock, computer
Kitchen - bowls, cups, eating utensils
Clothes - heavy winter jacket, gloves, hat, scarf, sturdy walking shoes, warm socks, umbrella, rain jacket
Remember, that you are already assigned to your permanent room for the semester. Thus, you can feel free to bring as much (or as less) as you want. However, unless you have a car, purchasing large appliances (e.g. mini-fridge or a/c) or kitchen utensils will be a hassle. Most supplies that you need can be purchased online and delivered to the dorm.
The Facilities
How many people share a bathroom?
Annex - There is one bathroom per floor. Each bathroom has two toilet stalls and two showers. There are 5-9 girls per floor.
East Tower - There are two bathrooms per floor. Each bathroom has two toilet stalls and two showers and one bath. There are about 19 girls per floor.
West Tower - There are two bathrooms per floor. Each bathroom has two toilet stalls, two showers and one bath. There are about 22 girls per floor.
Do I have to clean the bathroom?
No. The custodians will clean the bathroom every weekday morning. However, please be courteous and hygienic to your floormates by keeping the toilets and bathroom as clean as possible.
Which bathrooms are women only, co-ed and men only?
All bathrooms on the residential floors are women only by default. Each semester, the floor meets to decide whether the bathrooms are women only or co-ed. There will be a secret ballot. The vote has to be unanimous for a bathroom to go co-ed. So if you don't want male guests in the bathroom, just vote no. There is a men only bathroom on the first floor. Each penthouse also have bathrooms that men can use.
How many kitchens are there?
Annex - 1 kitchen on the first floor
East Tower - 2 kitchens per floor
West Tower - 1 kitchen per floor
How big are the kitchens?
All kitchens have microwave, stoves, sinks, cabinets, and refrigerators sufficient to accommodate the residents of the floor, suite, or annex. The amount of cupboard space varies depending on the floor. Most (if not all) of the cupboards are capable of being locked (you provide the lock). Some kitchens may have other communal appliances.
Who cleans the kitchens?
Students are responsible for keeping the kitchens clean. Please be courteous to your fellow residents by washing your dishes and cleaning up after yourself. Communal sponges, dish soap, and cleaning supplies are available.
What eating options are available?
There is a dining hall on the first floor. All McCormick residents are required to purchase the dining plan which subsizes half of the cost of dining hall meals from all participating dorms (Next House, Simmons, Baker, McCormick). McCormick Dining is open Sunday - Thursday evenings, from 5pm to 8pm. Baker dining is open Friday and Saturday nights, for those of you who don't want to cook or check out the local restaurants.
You can also purchase food from the Student Center. On the first floor, there is a grocery store (La Verde's), a Mexican place (Anna's Tacqueria), a grill (Cambridge Grill), and Dunkin' Donuts. On the second floor, there is the food court which contains an Indian, Japanese and Middle Eastern station and Subway. MIT Dining and the Student Center accepts Techcash. Many restaurants also deliver to MIT. A list of restaurants is available at Campus Food . You can also cook in the McCormick kitchens. Larger, close grocery store include Shaw's Supermarket, Whole Foods , and Trader Joe's (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=Trader+Joe's&near=320+Memorial+Dr,+Cambridge,+MA+02139&fb=1&view=text&latlng=4471106848498481998&dtab=2&pcsi=4471106848498481998,1&ei=ZxyJSOfzFpaArQL23LS7Bw&reviews=1&oi=more_rev&sa=X#).
Are there public computers?
Yes, there is an Athena cluster with 8 Athena computers and a printer on the first floor. There's also a quick station in the lobby.
What can I recycle?
There is a recycling bin for paper and a recycling bin for containers (plastic, paper, glass, metal) in every kitchen. On the doorknob of every kitchen, there is also a black and white checkered bag to place plastic bags. The bags can be taken to Shaw's for recycling.
How much does it cost to do laundry?
The laundry room is in the basement. You can use quarters or TechCash to pay for laundry. Washing costs 75 cents. Drying costs 25 cents for 23 minutes.
Are there charges for phone service?
Each room has a phone that can be used to make calls to campus phones and receive calls. You can upgrade your phone to full phone service for a monthly charge.
There is information online about dorm room phones/charges and Cellular Phones at MIT
How do I get internet access?
Internet access will be available once you move into your room. Each room has an ethernet port and wireless access. More information will be provided to you once you are on campus.
What is REX?
Residence Explorations (REX) is a time during Orientation week for freshmen to tour the twelve undergraduate dormitories and see the greater MIT campus. Individual dormitories and the Dormitory Council organize events for freshmen to meet upperclassmen and other freshmen.
Why should I participate in REX?
REX is an easy way to get to know the campus and meet other freshmen. Plus, REX events are lots of fun and a great way to try new things.
Where can I get more information about REX?
During Orientation check-in, you should receive a brochure with all the REX events. If you want, you can visit the DormCon REX website http://web.mit.edu/dormcon/REX for a calendar of events. The website should be updated for REX 2008 soon.
I am from a warm place. What do I need to know to survive the winter?
Winter can be a lot of fun as long as you are adequately prepared. All the MIT buildings are well-heated (sometimes a bit too heated) so you don't have to worry about being cold inside. The tunnel system connects most of the main campus buildings so it not necessary to be outside all the time. Also, the main roads and sidewalks are salted in anticipation of snow storms.
We suggest you have a heavy coat, sweaters, hat, scarves, gloves, thick socks, water-proof shoes, long underwear, lip balm, ear muffs. However it is not necessary to bring all this stuff from home. The Cambridgeside Galleria Mall is easily accessible from campus and has several stores where these items can be purchased. Additionally, every October, McCormick organizes a trip to the outlet mall.
Zeina A Siam
The type of my room is a "coffin"; it is considered to be the smallest of all singles. What are its dimensions approximately?
Also, what are the dimensions of our beds? What is meant by a "twin extra-large"?
Charles H Stewart
We call them "shoe boxes," not "coffins."![(smile)](/confluence/s/tichzu/8804/z1btw/_/images/icons/emoticons/smile.svg)
Shoe boxes are roughly 110 sq ft, boxes are about 127 sq ft, and "L"s are approximately 124 sq ft.
I've added a link above to the database that will give you the dimensions of every single room in McCormick. (You will need to use MIT certificates.)
As for the beds, every bed and bath store in the country will know the dimensions, since it's the standard size in all college dorms. For those outside the US, the dimensions are 39" x 80". See http://web.mit.edu/housing/undergrad/freshman-faqs.html
Shamarah J Hernandez
I read that the site answers questions about what's already in the room when we get there, but I haven't been able to find that info :-/ could you help me out? I'm in a shoe box/coffin if that helps.
Charles H Stewart
Check out this web page, from Housing. It pertains to every room, regardless of the size: http://web.mit.edu/housing/undergrad/freshman-faqs.html