This is the "Developer Support & Platform Services" team space. DSPS is one of the teams within the ISDA directorate of IS&T. DSPS consists of several teams:
Developer Support - responsible for creating and sustaining tools for developers at MIT. Some tools involve IDE, code repository, continuous build, web services and directory integration. David E Tanner
Identity Services - responsible for the development of Touchstone, MIT's implementation of the authentication system. This team will also investigate other technologies related to Identity Management, Authentication, Authorization and Group Management. Paul B Hill, Robert A Basch, David E Tanner
AMIT - Application Management and Integration Team. This team handles the coordination, integration and management of server side platforms for ISDA and to other directorates of IS&T. Technologies include, but are not limited to, Tomcat, Java, PHP, RAdminD, confluence, Drupal, Shibboleth, VMware and Athena OS. Stephen M Landry, Andrew M Boardman, Brian F Knoll
Mobile Services - the development of a mobile platform to allow for quick and easy integration of web sites and emerging technologies on mobile platforms such as iPhone, Blackberry and beyond. A goal is to create a vibrant mobile community built around application development headed by the user community along with significant involvement from the vendors and carriers.
Software Release - This team is responsible for a wide range of software products delivered to the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Patrick M McNeal, Alexander Kozlov, Unknown User (