Introduction to Satisfiability Solving with Practical Applications

This talk is divided into two parts of roughly equal length. The first part
introduces the most important techniques of a modern, incremental CDCL
SAT-solver. The second part discusses applications of SAT, and
explains some common techniques one can use when engineering an efficient algorithm
with a SAT-solver as a component.

Niklas Een, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Niklas finished his Ph.D. on SAT based formal verification in 2005, and has
continued to work as a researcher, first at Cadence Berkeley Labs, and later
at University of California, Berkeley. He is mostly known for co-authoring
the SAT-solver MiniSat, but his interests also include hardware verification and
logic synthesis.

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PDF File Intro_to_SAT_2011.pdf Jun 27, 2011 04:21 by
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Intro_to_SAT_2011.pptx Jun 17, 2011 13:34 by
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