%% Nose Cone Heating Memes for High Velocity Teens % Written by me bb clear all close all clc %% In this Corner we have the Parameters % list of velocity in Mach and time needs to be called speedy_noses speedy = 'speedy_noses.csv'; len = 720; speedy_noses = csvread(speedy, 1, 0, [1, 0, len, 1]); Ms = speedy_noses(:, 2); %list of Machs %Just the tip T = 300; % ambient temperature (K) m = 4.57e-26; %avg mass of air particle at sea level (Kg) v = 995; %top velocity (m/s) Kb = 1.38e-23; %Boltzmans constant (m^2Kgs^-2K^-1) mpstep = (m*.888-m*.7)/720; mp = m*.888: mpstep: m*.7; %avg air particle mass vector vp = Ms.*340.3; % velocity vector in m/s %Spicy Nose Cone p = 0.0023769; % air density at sea level (slug/ft^3) M = 2.9; % top mach # x = .01:.01:3; % distance from tip (ft) pstep = (p*.888-p*.7)/720; ps = p*.888: pstep: p*.7; %air desnity vector (slug/ft^3) %% Just the Tip Teff = sqrt(T^2 + (m*v^2/Kb)^2); %temp of the tip estimate (K) Teffs = (T^2 + (mp.*vp.^2./Kb).^2).^(1/2); %temp of tip estimate vector %% I Like it Real Hot like the Spices in my Nose Cone Q = (x.^-.2).*(345*p^.8*M^2.8); %Heat flux in BTU %% Conversions Qcal = Q.*0.252164; %in Kcal FTeff = Teff*9/5 - 459.67; %in F FTeffs = (Teffs.*9/5)-459.67; %in F %Qcal/%idk what this is someone read my past mind %% Prints disp(['Just the tip is' FTeffs ' F']); %% Plots figure(1) plot(x, Q) title('Nose Cone is Real Hot') xlabel('Dist from tip') ylabel('BTU somthin r other')