14:35:38 From Yvonne Ng : List of deliverables revisited https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Btrssi9BiF7PXhfgLqNdwkUX41uKootP_X6ovohZ2QM/edit 14:48:12 From Cable Green (CC) : Maybe employ GMMB in this effort - they are funded by Hewlett to assist with OER Comms. 14:49:40 From Jeff Ubois : Secret contracts seem like something to fight 14:49:56 From Peter Kaufman : That’s a CRAZY GOOD idea 14:49:57 From Jeff Ubois : No NDAs for.edtech 14:50:11 From Curt Newton : Hear hear 14:50:26 From Jeff Ubois : No long term contracts either 14:50:32 From Jeff Ubois : Without good ways to back out 14:50:33 From Peter Suber : Yes, +1 14:50:48 From Jeff Ubois : Agree with Hal 100 percent — or more! 14:51:17 From Claudio Aspesi : can I add something? 14:51:53 From Lisa Petrides : Shep Ranbom at CommunicationWorks in DC is someone you might reach out to 14:52:30 From Samuel Klein : is there an EdTech Alliance focused entirely on advocacy, practical communication (of what is possible) , and mutual support? 14:52:43 From Lisa Petrides : We should get Doug Levin involved also 14:52:50 From Jeff Ubois : FWIW, E Warren’s office is doing a deep dive into the problems with private equity. 14:52:57 From Samuel Klein : Claudio: go on 14:54:43 From Cable Green (CC) : Crazy thing about this new world - as many business / people are required to decrease their work, our open orgs are asked to increase our efforts. For Creative Commons, we’ve been leaning into conversations re: why open is important in the time of crisis and beyond - see our latest round of blog posts: https://creativecommons.org/blog 14:55:37 From Jeff Ubois : Such good ideas here … 14:55:51 From Peter Suber : One helpful resource = Public Statement of Library Copyright Specialists: Fair Use & Emergency Remote Teaching & Research https://docs.google.com/document/d/10baTITJbFRh7D6dHVVvfgiGP2zqaMvm0EHHZYf2cBRk/preview# 14:55:55 From Jeff Ubois : what are the more longer lasting guides / publications that would go with this? 14:56:23 From Peter Kaufman to Yvonne Ng(Privately) : Does the chat get recorded too? I think so right? 14:56:40 From Yvonne Ng to Peter Kaufman(Privately) : only the part that is public 14:56:56 From Peter Kaufman to Yvonne Ng(Privately) : Better that way ;-) 14:57:17 From Yvonne Ng to Peter Kaufman(Privately) : angela is on 14:58:13 From Peter Kaufman to Yvonne Ng(Privately) : Natural ally: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/04/harden-your-zoom-settings-protect-your-privacy-and-avoid-trolls 14:58:22 From Jeff Ubois : Problems with scrapping privacy and other regulations in response to crisis 14:59:38 From Peter Suber : More on Hal's proposal: Several universities have released their own guidelines on good subscription contracts with publishers, or good principles for negotiating those contracts. (I could provide a list on request.) Perhaps a group of schools at all levels could work on similar principles for edtech contracts. 14:59:49 From Jeff Ubois : Open businesses as only scalable solution for full population; requires commercial arm; speak to employment in the sector 14:59:53 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Hi All! Apologies for being late. I had a previous commitment for the first half of our meeting 15:00:09 From Jeff Ubois : Framing it as a different part of the economy. 15:00:19 From Claudio Aspesi : https://www.forbes.com/sites/martyswant/2020/03/19/citing-covid-19-trade-groups-ask-californias-attorney-general-to-delay-data-privacy-enforcement/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkdFNFlUQTNaak15TXpjNSIsInQiOiJwUkRub2hROGJKVktKdzdyUlwvZm1nTjlIQW5MMTVKd2xGS1gwb2tzeGFWdkxMSW5WRFd3bXpsTExqYVMzdEExWGVBd3c1RURJT2hVakFOVWRVcmx5bVM5ZmZ5SVoxSGs5N2pMYkt4YitNbEN4SVVGbVFkSEdud2s3Zzc5OERpbGsifQ%3D%3D#36c197605c30 15:00:20 From Jeff Ubois : Authors Alliance? 15:00:32 From Jeff Ubois : No 100,000 percent counterweight to AG 15:00:38 From Jeff Ubois : 100 000 percent 15:00:43 From ross.mounce : *cough* cough Authors Alliance ;) 15:00:43 From Peter Kaufman : https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse the numbers - staggering 15:00:52 From Jeff Ubois : Person (autocorrect is Bad ;-)) 15:01:08 From Peter Kaufman : Cough into your elbow pls 15:01:49 From Cable Green (CC) : Ryan - I’m digging the COVID beard. 15:03:08 From Cable Green (CC) : See: SPARC’s Big Deal Cancellation Tracking as one model: https://sparcopen.org/our-work/big-deal-cancellation-tracking/ 15:03:09 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Haha yeah I stopped tending to it about nearly 4 weeks ago. Will see how crazy it gets 15:03:51 From Claudio Aspesi : https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2F2020%2F03%2Fderegulate-to-help-the-private-sector-fight-coronavirus-2%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ca5c67540eec747a1ce1208d7db265629%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637218829999705682&sdata=%2BJ2zHw8P3zUKaJxxGMu6fxR8j0gO%2By0EpMII1wLIwWw%3D&reserved=0 15:07:25 From Peter Suber : One way to start: Open 2020 could put out a call for existing lists of such principles, and devote a web page to a list of them. If it wished, it would work on developing new and better principles in parallel. 15:07:37 From Peter Kaufman : +1 15:10:38 From Cable Green (CC) : Collection of student data. 15:13:00 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Where are we envisioning this ad running? I do like the idea of having some “existing principles” when getting resources to help move education remote 15:13:18 From Cable Green (CC) : Recent CC Post re: open education: Education in Times of Crisis and Beyond: Maximizing Copyright Flexibilities - https://creativecommons.org/2020/03/31/education-in-times-of-crisis-and-beyond-maximizing-copyright-flexibilities/ 15:13:45 From Lisa Petrides : Agree, Curt, well said. Opportunities have been un-lodged, and the void creates opportunities for bad things to fill the space. 15:13:57 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Yes as someone who attends those GMMB calls they are very useful! 15:14:33 From Peter Kaufman : +! 15:14:39 From Peter Kaufman : 1 15:22:02 From Peter Suber : We should prepare for the decline of the public-health emergency. While open ed is a good idea for all time, not just during a pandemic, we should *anticipate* the argument that it's less necessary or less valuable when F2F education is feasible again. And of course the arguments for continuing open ed should be compatible with taking full advantage of F2F education, when it's feasible again. 15:22:17 From jamimathewson : I do think Hal’s idea in Feb. about a broader platform for Open is super important. Imagine if we’d had that, and people could easily share: good contracts for school districts; 3D printed ventilators; cloth mask patterns; etc. (Not suggesting anyone has time for getting something this set up, but it makes me long for this even more!) 15:22:43 From Curt Newton : +1 on this - OER for community resilience 15:23:00 From Curt Newton : Plugged into OER for SDGs 15:24:21 From Willem van Valkenburg : Unfortunately I have to leave. Stay safe and stay healthy 15:25:17 From Peter Kaufman : Bye Willem You too 15:25:20 From Peter Kaufman : Send flowers 15:26:43 From jamimathewson : +1 15:27:29 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Yes I like the idea of categorizing based on short, medium, and long term 15:27:49 From Peter Kaufman : +1 15:29:21 From ross.mounce : Open Ed, Open Science/Research but also Open Standards... Carl Malamud (Public.Resource.org) is doing some good work right now to post standards relating to PPE and ventilators 15:30:04 From Ryan Erickson-Kulas : Apologies all but I have to hop off for another call. Be well and I will look for next steps via email. 15:30:50 From ross.mounce : https://archive.org/details/publicsafetycode?and%5B%5D=subject%3ACOVID-19&sin= 15:30:55 From jamimathewson : Something we’ve found in our (small-scale) work at Wiki Education is that conveying urgency is *always* important when it comes to Open/Open information. Right now, the urgency is largely because of schools/libraries physically being shut down. But there are always access issues for *a lot of people*, so maybe we can tap into that urgency when conveying the long-term importance. 15:31:08 From Lisa Petrides : Great to have this group read and activated! 15:31:14 From Lisa Petrides : *ready 15:32:02 From Peter Kaufman : Thank you Ryan 15:33:13 From Curt Newton : As they say: Organizing is the key to hold and sustain the gains glimpsed in a time of upheaval. 15:34:01 From Yvonne Ng : Thanks everyone! 15:34:39 From Lisa Petrides : whoops 15:34:43 From Lisa Petrides : Thanks, Peter! 15:34:51 From Peter Suber : Here's my 2011 article on OA as a response to humanitarian crises. Key takeaway is how little the increased OA stayed after the emergency abated. https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/4870994 15:34:53 From ross.mounce : Thanks everyone 15:35:02 From Cable Green (CC) : Appreciate seeing everyone. The work is hard and messy right now … and we’re all locked down - so it’s really nice to have some “human” interaction. ;) 15:35:15 From Peter Kaufman : What Hal said