13:57:59 From Douglas K Hasell to Ross Corliss(Direct Message) : Hi Ross do you remember the password for the DarkLight mailing list? 14:02:28 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : I have tried to access it without success, but there is a way to get into admin mode without the password 14:02:50 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : Let me see if I can look that up. It involves going to a certain port on the mit mailman webpage 14:02:59 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : (let's you use your MIT credentials in lieu of password) 14:04:35 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : https://mailman.mit.edu:444/mailman/admin/darklight 14:08:17 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : (I just added you as an additional moderator/admin, so if that link didn't work before it should now) 14:26:54 From Douglas K Hasell to Ross Corliss(Direct Message) : Yes. I’ve done that before but thought you might know 14:27:52 From Ernie Ihloff to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : Too much background from dump?? 14:30:49 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : the passwords I have written down from Jan Balewski, long ago, do not work. It is possible Peter knows the current ones. 14:56:24 From Jens Dilling to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : maybe we should switch to the Canadian participation discussion before people loose interest in these very detailed discussions... 15:25:26 From Michael Gericke to Everyone : I have to run. Thank you for the presentations. 15:32:26 From Wouter Deconinck (he/him) to Everyone : I missed part of the meeting due to teaching, but which institution is coordinating an NSERC SAP Project LOI this summer? 15:32:56 From Michael Kohl to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : Is that the link? 15:33:01 From Michael Kohl to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/darklight 15:33:19 From Douglas K Hasell to Everyone : People interested in staying in touch with DarkLight can send their E-mail address to me, hasell@mit.edu and I will add you to the DarkLight mailing list. Also you can send a request to darklight@mit.edu 15:39:39 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : in the interface, you/we can define a new list password if you like 15:43:57 From Maximilian J Swiatlowski to Everyone : https://meetings.triumf.ca/indico/event/207/ 15:44:02 From Jens Dilling to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : https://meetings.triumf.ca/indico/event/207/ 15:45:42 From Maximilian J Swiatlowski to Everyone : https://gitlab.cern.ch/indicomb/indicomb/-/tree/master 15:45:51 From Maximilian J Swiatlowski to Everyone : @Ross, check that out ^ :) 15:46:24 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : Ooooh! that looks handy! Thanks! 15:46:30 From Ross Corliss to Douglas K Hasell(Direct Message) : (mis-sent) 15:46:39 From Ross Corliss to Everyone : Ooooh! that looks handy! Thanks! 15:49:21 From Jeffery Martin to Everyone : I have to run... please keep me in the loop, too. Nice seeing you all. 15:51:36 From Rituparna Kanungo to Everyone : THank you, was good