# EDM Tue Apr 19 13:37:27 EDT 2011 The NXB (non X-ray background) events lists are: nxb_xis0_sciof_20071226_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis0_scion_20101201_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis1_sciof_20080917_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis1_scion_20101201_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis2_sciof_20071226_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis2_scion_20071226_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis3_sciof_20071226_cl_filt.evt.gz nxb_xis3_scion_20101201_cl_filt.evt.gz There is one event list for each XIS0,1,2,3 with space-row charge injection (SCI) on and off. These event lists are from the CALDB version indicated in the filename, current as of today, and they have been reprocessed with the XIS pipeline ftools and filtered to include only PI=100:2500 or energy=365:9125 eV to make them smaller. So don't use them for energies outside of that range. I would suggest using a local version of the CALDB rather than the online version. This will speed things up in general. Below is a sample "xisnxbgen" command, to use these local event lists just set "nxbevent" to the proper filename. The "sortstep" and "sortkey" should match whatever filtering were used in xselect to make the spectra; if no COR or COR2 filtering were done, then "sortstep=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,99" is the right one to use. I would recommend filtering on COR2=6:99 as I have done here, unless it removes a substantial amount (>20%) of the exposure time, as it reduces the background quite a bit. Make sure to set "apply_xisftools=no" if using these local event lists, so that it doesn't waste time reprocessing them. If you use "region_mode=SKYREG", you will need to supply the attitude file. This procedure might give a warning, but in general it should do a good job. Using "pixq_and=65536" will remove the calibration source regions, while "pixq_and=0" will leave them in. Probably doesn't matter for a 3-6 arcmin annulus if the cluster is at the center. time xisnxbgen \ outfile=${nxbphafile} \ phafile=${phafile} \ region_mode=DETREG \ regfile=${regfile} \ orbit=${orbfile} \ attitude=none \ ehkfile=${ehkfile} \ gtifile=none \ nxbevent=${nxbevtfile} \ nxborbit=CALDB \ nxbvdchk=CALDB \ nxbcorhk=CALDB \ sortkey=COR2 \ sortstep="6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,99" \ pi_min="${pi_min}" \ pi_max="${pi_max}" \ time_min="-150" \ time_max="+150" \ apply_xisftools=no \ pixq_min=0 \ pixq_max=524287 \ pixq_and=0 \ pixq_eql=0 \ chatter=0 \ clobber=yes \ mode=hl #pset xisnxbgen pixq_and=65536