%; Time-stamp: <2012-02-28 13:24:01 dph> %; Directory: ~dph/h3/Proposals/CXO/Cy14/GTO/ %; File: HETG_GTO_14.txt %; Author: David P. Huenemoerder %;======================================== Cycle 14 HETG GTO Proposed Targets RPS Due: Thursday March 1 at 6PM. HETG quota: 750 ks PRIMARY: RPS# Object Exp Obs TOO Constraint File - M 31 bulge 750 HLM no none m31.txt, M31_hetgs.pdf - HD 79826 50 DPH no none hd_79826.txt, hd_79826.pdf - Terzan 5 X-2 15* HLM yes none terzan_5.txt, Terzan5x2Summary.pdf - SN 1987A 150 DD no none sn87a.txt, hydro_wdata_lc_copy.jpg Total time: 965 NOTES: Terzan 5 trigger probability is 10%, so the exposure, if triggered is for 150ks; the charge time is 10% of the desired time. HD 79826 and SN 1987A can also be considered as alternates. ALTERNATES: RPS# Object Exp Obs TOO Constraint File - LMC X-2 140 NSS no none lmc_x-2.txt - HD 206267 150 NSS no none hd_206267.txt - GX 17+2 80 NSS no none gx_17p2.txt - GRS 1915+105 100 JN no none grs_1915.txt - PDS 456 150 HLM no none agn.txt, AGNalternates.pdf - Mrk 766 200 HLM no none agn.txt, AGNalternates.pdf - 3C 445 400 HLM no none agn.txt, AGNalternates.pdf - 4U 0614-091 80 NSS no none 4U_0614-091.txt Total time: 1300 ks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF CYCLE 13 GTO TARGETS -------------------------------------------------- 1) Submit lists of targets via RPS. Target and instrument parameters are required. No science justification is needed. - deadline is 6 PM EST Thursday March 1. Oversubscribe by 30%-50% depending on length of your observations. (The amount of oversubscription is at your discretion. An alternate target for a very long observation may be a 100% oversubscription.) Please submit alternate targets in a separate proposal, with a proposal type GTO/ALTERNATE. Proposals which are TOOs should have proposal type GTO/TOO or GTO/ALTERNATE/TOO