calibrate cytometer with wells2/8 then run remaining tubes sequentially image well 1 b-cells alt 7 image well 3 stained HEK293 cells with no DNA alt 9 image well 4 stained HEK293 cells withmkate + Dummy DNA alt 10 image well 5 stained HEK293 with BCR alt 11 image well 13 permeablized b-cells alt 19 image well 15 permeablized HEK293 with no DNA alt 21 image well 16 permeablized HEK293 with mkate+dummy alt 22 image well 17 permeablized HEK293 with BCR alt 23 Day 1 Cells were seeded using the Gelatin Treatment for Glass Plates protocol (1 mL/well was used) for plate 1. For plate 2 the standard Splitting Cells & seeding plates protocol was used. Day 2 All cells were transfected based on the above plate map using the Transfection (Lipofectamine 2000) protocol. Day 3 Cells were left to grow Day 4 Plate two was run through the flow cytometer. They were prepared using the Immunostaining for Flow Cytometry protocol. Plate one was used for fluorescent microscopy. It was prepared with the Immunostaining for Fluorescent microscopy protocol. Wells 1-12 were permeablized with Triton-X100 while wells 13-24 were left with their membranes intact. |