- Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
- This site allows you to make smart choices when purchasing seafood. The Aqaurium site also has information on conservation efforts and why sustainable fisheries are important.
- European Commission on Fisheries
- Oceans and Law of the Sea
- National Marine Fish Service
- Case Studies on World Fisheries
- Greenpeace: Defending Our Oceans
- Greenpeace Forum: Louder Than Words
- Exchange your ideas about the environment with others!
- Blue Ocean Institute: Guide to Ocean Friendly Fish
- Ocean Legacy
- The Pew Oceans Commission
- The Commission released a report in 2003 with recommendations for how the U.S. Government could manage America's marine environment. You can also register for email updates on the Pew Commission's findings.
- Blue Planet "Seas of Life" Quiz
- No Fish In My Dish!