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  • IUU was formally recognized as a fishing problem at an FAO conference in 1992
    • Schmidt, 2004 has a "brief" overview on subsequent regulations
  • International Plan of Action for IUU Fishing (aka IPOA-IUU) is key
    • defines stuff:
      • Illegal fishing: fishing that is not in accordance with local laws, or fishing by a boat that is not allowed in those waters. (I guess those are the same)
      • Unreported: either unreported or misreported catch data
      • Unregulated: fishing "conducted in stocks for which no state (or RFMO) has taken responsibility for their management and conservation; or by vessels without nationality (or flying the flag of a state not party to any relevant RFMO) and who therefore do not consider themselves bound by the relevant national or foreign vesselslaws (or RFMO regualtions)."
    • goal is to "'prevent, deter, and eliminate IUU fishing'"

ICES working group concluded that science can contribute to the reduction of IUU by:

  • Identifying affected stocks and fisheries
  • Formulating practical solutions
  • Developing approaches to managine the uncertainties that IUU creates

Note: IUU is possibly driven by (they recommend Bray 2000 and Schmidt 2004 for more info):

  • Ineffective Management
  • Fleet Overcapacity
  • Bad enforcement
  • economic incentives from flag