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International Treaty

In Mission, our toughest challenge has been finding a solution to one of the world's greatest problems, the oceans. To address this problem, our solution will be implemented in several mediums aimed at international cooperation.


International Treaty

To ensure that our solution reaches the highest pinnacles of government and society, we have developed an international forum for discussion, regulation, and innovation in the realm of marine ecosystems and fisheries protection. Currently, the UN Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea governs codifies conventional international law (EarthTrust). The Law of the Sea, or LOS, has been supplemented by other legislation, including the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. It is our vision to call another UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Preservation of the Oceans. This Convention would concern the introduction of a new agreement (treaty) among nations to meet the following objectives as defined by Mission 2011: end overfishing, preserve marine ecosystems, and develop alternative measures to meet the nutritional needs of the international populace.


There is also evidence to suggest that world powers, such as the United States, would support the hard restrictions against flags of convenience and unsustainable (including IUU) fish: Section 603 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act states, "The United States, or any agency or official acting on behalf of the United States, may not enter into any international agreement with respect to the conservation and management of living marine resources or the use of the high seas by fishing vessels that would prevent full implementation of the global moratorium on large-scale driftnet fishing on the high seas, as such moratorium is expressed in Resolution 46/215 of the United Nations General Assembly" (P.L. 94-265, 2007).



Global Taxes as a Long Term Management Strategy


The results of the tax as we propose would significantly contribute to solving the overfishing problem. We not only value the tax as a revenue-generating device, but also as a mechanism for covering the ecological and societal cost of taking each fish out of the ocean.



Non-governmental Organizations


We also propose the creation of an NGO which would help match college students learning to do environmental research with countries who need research conducted but lack researchers. The host country could provide housing and food, while the students' colleges and the students themselves can arrange transport. The preponderance of study-abroad programs in the United States attests to the desire of students to work abroad. Such a program would help countries gain valuable environmental data, while also educating students about environmental concerns on a global scale.

Works Cited
-- Global Aquaculture Alliance: Best Aquaculture Practices. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from

-- (2004). Alaska Pollock Marketing Group Says MSC Certification will Strengthen Marketing Efforts. Retrieved November 21, 2007, from

-- (2007). About MSC. Retrieved on November 18, 2007, from

Gunther, M. (2006). "Saving Seafood: Wal-Mart has unsentimental business reasons for promoting sustainable fishing practices." Retrieved November 22, 2007, from

MSC Executive. (2005). Information Sheet 4: Costs Explained. Retrieved November 22, 2007, from

Teisl, M.F., Roe, B. & Hicks, R.L. (2001). "Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol 43.

Wessels, C.R., Donath, H. & Johnston, R.J. (1999). "U.S. Consumer Preferances for Ecolabeled Seafood: Results of a Consumer Survey." Retrieved November 21, 2007, from

Cooperation Between Developed States and Developing States

One of the most essential challenges facing developing states is the transition from a fish-dominated economy and diet to a less fish-dependent one. After all, for many of these developing states, the cheapest way to acquire protein and generate income is to fish their oceans - fish is free, regenerates without human effort, and comes at no cost to the harvester (no farming, plowing, or planning required). Thus, developing states often do not have incentives or reasons of why they should alter their economy. This is where assistance from developed states should come in.

Wiki Markup
Under Part XII, Section 3, Articles 202 and 203 require that "States shall, directly or through competent international organizations \[which could include the RFB councils we have recommended\]: promote programmes of scientific, educational, technical and other assistance to developing States for the protection and preservation of the marine environment and the prevention, reduction and control of marine pollution.  Such assistance shall include... training of their scientific and technical personnel; facilitating their participation in relevant international programmes; supplying them with necessary equipment and facilities; enhancing their capacity to manufacture such equipment; advice on and developing facilities for research, monitoring, educational and other programmes... \[States shall also give developing nations preferential treatment for\] the allocation of appropriate funds and technical assistance; and the utilization of their specialized services" (Division, 1984). Therefore, it is reasonable to enhance the system in which developed nations provide incentives for developing states to shift to more environmentally-sound aquaculture practices and fishing methods. In particular, financial assistance, technical education, and sharing of mutual scientific research are especially called for. The visit of scientific experts qualified in the areas of environmental conservation to developing countries should be sponsored. Moreover, joint ventures between the developing and the developed nations with the aim of creating mutual benefit through environmental conservation and deterring IUU fishing (for example: creating marine reserves or assisting with marine tourism in the target country) should be encouraged as a method of cooperation (Agenda 21). Also, developing nations and developed nations may work together in marine research, with developing nations supplying the labor and local knowledge of conducting the scientific experiments and the developed nations providing the experts in guiding and designing the experiments. Eventually, the technology can also shift over so that local experts will be trained and the developing nations will be able to generate research capabilities on their own. This creates revenue and promotes environmentalism amongst the bloc of developing nations. Mission hopes to encourage more collaboration between the developed and the developing worlds in order to stabilize marine ecosystems and eventually global fisheries. This collaboration can be nurtured through communication between the regional councils and continued interaction in the UN.

The Whaling Solution

We, as the Terrascope Mission 2011 group, recognize the need to protect whales from the threat of extinction and exploitation. Thus, we endorse the IWC zero catch limit moratorium until sufficient research has proved that whale populations have reached a stable, sustainable level. The catch limits set for approved aboriginal communities should be kept in addition to existing whale sanctuaries. We also endorse the trading regulations set by CITES to prevent the import and export of endangered and threatened cetacean species.

We also recognize the need for scientific research to gain more information about whale populations. However, we advocate means of gathering data that do not involve the lethal killing of whales; other methods, such as tagging and sighting, would be preferred. Should lethal means are inevitable, a limit as to how many whales can be used should be set. Thus, we propose that all proposals involving lethal research must be approved by the Scientific Committee set up by the IWC, which would follow the guidelines issued by the Commission. The rate of usage during such research should not exceed the growth rate of the whale population; in the case that the growth rate of the population is not yet known, the number of whales used should not exceed 5% of the current population size (growth rates for whale populations have found between 3% and 12%) (IWC, 2007a). Article VIII of the 1946 IWC Convention must be amended to allow this change (IWC, 2007b).

Image Removed
Photo by Lindy Elkins Tanton
The remains of a pilot whale hunt.

Works Cited

Milazzo, M. (2000). The World Bank: Subsidies in World Fisheries: A Re-examination. Technical Paper, No. 406, 4-6.

Benitah, M. (June 2004). Ongoing WTO Negotiations on Fisheries SUbsidies. ASIL Insights, 1-3.



Cooperation Between Developed States and Developing States

One of the most essential challenges facing developing states is the transition from a fish-dominated economy and diet to a less fish-dependent one. After all, for many of these developing states, the cheapest way to acquire protein and generate income is to fish their oceans - fish is free, regenerates without human effort, and comes at no cost to the harvester (no farming, plowing, or planning required). Thus, developing states often do not have incentives or reasons of why they should alter their economy. This is where assistance from developed states should come in.

Wiki Markup
Under Part XII, Section 3, Articles 202 and 203 require that "States shall, directly or through competent international organizations \[which could include the RFB councils we have recommended\]: promote programmes of scientific, educational, technical and other assistance to developing States for the protection and preservation of the marine environment and the prevention, reduction and control of marine pollution.  Such assistance shall include... training of their scientific and technical personnel; facilitating their participation in relevant international programmes; supplying them with necessary equipment and facilities; enhancing their capacity to manufacture such equipment; advice on and developing facilities for research, monitoring, educational and other programmes... \[States shall also give developing nations preferential treatment for\] the allocation of appropriate funds and technical assistance; and the utilization of their specialized services" (Division, 1984). Therefore, it is reasonable to enhance the system in which developed nations provide incentives for developing states to shift to more environmentally-sound aquaculture practices and fishing methods. In particular, financial assistance, technical education, and sharing of mutual scientific research are especially called for. The visit of scientific experts qualified in the areas of environmental conservation to developing countries should be sponsored. Moreover, joint ventures between the developing and the developed nations with the aim of creating mutual benefit through environmental conservation and deterring IUU fishing (for example: creating marine reserves or assisting with marine tourism in the target country) should be encouraged as a method of cooperation (Agenda 21). Also, developing nations and developed nations may work together in marine research, with developing nations supplying the labor and local knowledge of conducting the scientific experiments and the developed nations providing the experts in guiding and designing the experiments. Eventually, the technology can also shift over so that local experts will be trained and the developing nations will be able to generate research capabilities on their own. This creates revenue and promotes environmentalism amongst the bloc of developing nations. Mission hopes to encourage more collaboration between the developed and the developing worlds in order to stabilize marine ecosystems and eventually global fisheries. This collaboration can be nurtured through communication between the regional councils and continued interaction in the UN.



The Whaling Solution

We, as the Terrascope Mission 2011 group, recognize the need to protect whales from the threat of extinction and exploitation. Thus, we endorse the IWC zero catch limit moratorium until sufficient research has proved that whale populations have reached a stable, sustainable level. The catch limits set for approved aboriginal communities should be kept in addition to existing whale sanctuaries. We also endorse the trading regulations set by CITES to prevent the import and export of endangered and threatened cetacean species.

We also recognize the need for scientific research to gain more information about whale populations. However, we advocate means of gathering data that do not involve the lethal killing of whales; other methods, such as tagging and sighting, would be preferred. Should lethal means are inevitable, a limit as to how many whales can be used should be set. Thus, we propose that all proposals involving lethal research must be approved by the Scientific Committee set up by the IWC, which would follow the guidelines issued by the Commission. The rate of usage during such research should not exceed the growth rate of the whale population; in the case that the growth rate of the population is not yet known, the number of whales used should not exceed 5% of the current population size (growth rates for whale populations have found between 3% and 12%) (IWC, 2007a). Article VIII of the 1946 IWC Convention must be amended to allow this change (IWC, 2007b).

Image Added
Photo by Lindy Elkins Tanton
The remains of a pilot whale hunt.


DO NOT include works cited on international page (ALL WORKS CITED FOR EVERY PAGE will go on the works cited page)

Works Cited

Milazzo, M. (2000). The World Bank: Subsidies in World Fisheries: A Re-examination. Technical Paper, No. 406, 4-6.

Benitah, M. (June 2004). Ongoing WTO Negotiations on Fisheries SUbsidies. ASIL Insights, 1-3.

Schrank, W. (2003). Introducing Fisheries Subsidies. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 437, 1-5United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. (2004). Agenda 21, Chapter 34. Retrieved 21 November 2007, from:

International Whaling Commission. (2007). Scientific Permits. Retrieved 19 November 2007, from:

International Whaling Commission. (2007). Whale Population Estimates. Retrieved 19 November 2007, from:

Borger, J. (2001, March 29). Bush Kills Global Warming Treaty. The Guardian Unlimited:

Cornwall, W. (2007, October 29). Seattle Meets Kyoto Global-Warming Targets. The Seattle Times:

Doerr, J. (2006, September 3). California's Global-Warming Solution. Time Magazine:,9171,1531324,00.html.

Koh, T.T.B. A Constitution for the Oceans. Retrieved 12 November 2007, from the UN Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea:

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: An Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States of the U.S. Retrieved 16 Schrank, W. (2003). Introducing Fisheries Subsidies. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 437, 1-5United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. (2004). Agenda 21, Chapter 34. Retrieved 21 November 2007, from:

International Whaling Commission. (2007). Scientific Permits. Retrieved 19 EarthNet's "DriftNetwork" Program. International Law Governing Driftnet Fishing on the High Seas. Retrieved 16 November 2007, from: Whaling Commission. (2007). Whale Population Estimates. Retrieved 19

Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. (10 December 1984). United Nations Convention on The Law of the Sea. Retrieved 12 November 2007, from:

Borger, J. (2001, March 29). Bush Kills Global Warming Treaty. The Guardian Unlimited:

Cornwall, W. (2007, October 29). Seattle Meets Kyoto Global-Warming Targets. The Seattle Times(1999). The Role of Regional Fishery Bodies in Conservation and Management of Resources. Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved 17 November 2007, from: http://seattletimeswww.nwsourcefao.comorg/htmlfi/localnewswebsite/2003982047_webkyoto29m.html.Doerr, J. (2006, September 3). California's Global-Warming Solution. Time Magazine:

-- Global Aquaculture Alliance: Best Aquaculture Practices. Retrieved November 21, 2007 from,9171,1531324,

-- (2004). Alaska Pollock Marketing Group Says MSC Certification will Strengthen Marketing Efforts. Retrieved

-- (2007). About MSC. Retrieved on November 18, 2007, from Koh, T.T.B. A Constitution for the Oceans. Retrieved 12 November 2007, from the UN Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea: Greenhouse Gas Initiative: An Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States of

the U.S. Retrieved 16 November 2007, from: http://www.rggi.orgGunther, M. (2006). "Saving Seafood: Wal-Mart has unsentimental business reasons for promoting sustainable fishing practices." Retrieved November 22, 2007, from

EarthNet's "DriftNetwork" Program. International Law Governing Driftnet Fishing on the High Seas. Retrieved 16 November 2007, from: MSC Executive. (2005). Information Sheet 4: Costs Explained. Retrieved November 22, 2007, from

Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. (10 December 1984). United Nations Convention on The Law of the Sea. Retrieved 12 November 2007, from:


Teisl, M.F., Roe, B. & Hicks, R.L. (2001). "Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol 43.

Wessels, C.R., Donath, H. & Johnston, R.J. (1999). "U.S. Consumer Preferances for Ecolabeled Seafood: Results of a Consumer Survey." Retrieved November 21, 2007, from (1999). The Role of Regional Fishery Bodies in Conservation and Management of Resources. Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved 17 November 2007, from: http://www.faouri.orgedu/cels/fienre/websitedocs_CRoheim/ pdf