Versions Compared


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  • Java: we use the Java version 1.6 JDK; there are a wide variety of packagings and installation methods if you don't already have it; ask the net about this one. Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly. (On isda-build1, set JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0.)
  • Subversion: if "svn --version" results in "command not found", you need subversion. Again, packagings vary; your operating system may be able to get it for you, or download it from
  • maven: if "mvn -version" results in "command not found", you need to download the latest version of maven (currently 2.0.7) from and install it locally, making sure to add maven's bin directory to your path.
  • Repository access: if "svn ls svn+ssh://" doesn't do something useful, you can't check out the code; you need to be in the zest-cvs moira group to access the repository.
  • For the UI build only: if "lzc --help" doesn't give you useful help information for the OpenLaszlo compiler, you need to install version 4.0.2 from; this is hairy enough that it's been split off into a separate wiki page: OpenLaszlo.  If you're on isda-build1, make sure /home/lps-4.0.2/bin is in your PATH.


: THIS IS THE NEW SETUP WHICH IS BEING TESTED AS OF 3JAN2008.  FOR THE OLD UI BUILD INSTRUCTIONS, SEE THE CHILD PAGE OF THIS ONEN.B.: These instructions replace the old interactive build using the OpenLaszlo server's dynamic compilation facilities

  1. Check out the Thalia code: 
    svn checkout svn+ssh://
  2. For a release, create the release branch:
    svn cp ui/trunk ui/branches/thaliaUI<version>-sprint<num>
    ...then build the .swf files that comprise the UI, checking them into the IME trunk in the process:
    cd thalia/ui/branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>
    mvn clean package
  3. If Alternatively, if you just want to build the UI locally:
    cd thalia/ui/trunk
    mvn clean compile
    The .swf files will be in the newly-created (by Maven) target subdirectory.
