Versions Compared


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  • Java: we use the Java version 1.6 JDK; there are a wide variety of packagings and installation methods if you don't already have it; ask the net about this one. Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly. (On isda-build1, set JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0.)
  • Subversion: if "svn --version" results in "command not found", you need subversion. Again, packagings vary; your operating system may be able to get it for you, or download it from
  • maven: if "mvn -version" results in "command not found", you need to download the latest version of maven (currently 2.0.7) from and install it locally, making sure to add maven's bin directory to your path.
  • Repository access: if "svn ls svn+ssh://" doesn't do something useful, you can't check out the code; you need to be in the zest-cvs moira group to access the repository.
  • For the UI build only: if "lzc --help" doesn't give you useful help information for the OpenLaszlo compiler, you need to install version 4.0.2 from; this is hairy enough that it's been split off into a separate wiki page: OpenLaszlo.  If you're on isda-build1, just make sure /home/lps-4.0.2/bin is in your PATH.


N.B #1.: These instructions replace the old interactive build using the OpenLaszlo server's dynamic compilation facilities.

N.B. #2: If you're building on isda-build1 and the UI binaries built from the trunk are appropriate for your build, you can skip the UI build and just have Maven use the autobuild that's already on the system; see below under "BUILDING THE BACK END" for details.

  1. Check out the Thalia code: 
    svn checkout svn+ssh://
    (Note the revision number reported; you'll want it later to confirm the release.)
  2. For a release, create the release branch:
    svn cp ui/trunk ui/branches/thaliaUI<version>-sprint<num>
    ...then build the .swf files that comprise the UI:
    cd thalia/ui/branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>
    mvn clean compile
  3. Alternatively, if you just want to build the UI locally:
    cd thalia/ui/trunk
    mvn clean compile
    The .swf files will be in the newly-created (by Maven) target subdirectory.


  1. Check out the Thalia code: 
    svn checkout svn+ssh://
  2. For a release, create the release branch:
    svn cp ime/Trunk/thalia ime/Branches/thalia<version>-sprint<num>
  3. If you need to include updated flash files for the UI:
    cp <ui build target>/*.swf thalia/ime/Branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>/src/main/webapp
    ...or, if on isda-build1, include -Dincludeui=true on the maven command line below before or after environment selection.
  4. Make a clean build of the .war file:
    cd thalia/ime/Branches/thalia<ver>-sprint<num>
    mvn clean package -Denv=prod1
    This will create or update the target directory and add the file ROOT.war .  Please note that the Thalia maven build has multiple profiles:
    • If you want a development deployment (to, use -Denv=dev.
    • If you want to choose the test profile, use -Denv=test1 or -Denv=test2.  (When packaging, test1 and test2 are exactly the same. When deploying, test1 deploys to isda-thalia2 and test2 deploys to isda-thalia11.)
    • If you want to choose the production profile, use -Denv=prod1 or -Denv=prod2.  (When packaging, prod1 and prod2 are exactly the same. When deploying, prod1 deploys to isda-thalia5 and prod2 deploys to isda-thalia8.)
    • N.B.: Part of the profile definition is in thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia/pom.xml under the profiles section; it specifies which servers to deploy to in each environment. Part of the profile definition is in thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia/src/main/filters*.properties files; it specifies the alfresco server address/port and alfresco passwords for user and admin. To change the development environment, edit To change the test environment, edit test.properites. To change the prodution environment, edit
  5. If you're doing a release and the build completed without error, commit the branch:
    svn commit
  6. Deploy the war:
    • Check that it's ok to deploy.  Start with the jabber chat.  If deploying to QA, check in with the QA contractor in  If deploying to production, you will already have coordinated the downtime with and so they will not be alarmed when nagios reports the Thalia failure.
    • There are two ways to deploy: one through the web, and one via maven.  See the DEPLOYING WITH MAVEN or DEPLOYING VIA THE WEB INTERFACE sections following.


  1. Download the freshly built ROOT.war from isda-build1  to your local machine.
  2. Open the Tomcat server manager for each front end in a web browser.  (http://hostname/manager/html/upload)
  3. Undeploy the root application, /.
  4. Further down the page, upload the ROOT.war you built just before.


Point a web browser at any valid domain in the environment you just deployed to. Make sure:

  1. The version number, release date, and subversion revision number reported by the ui (in the top right corner) is as expected.
  2. Add "/info" to the URL, and check that the build date and subversion rev are correct.


For all deployment methods, do a smoke test to confirm Thalia came back up. Brian Childs suggests:
