Under announcements are the calendar events occurring for today’s date created in e-Builder. Events are created through the Calendar module in a project. Click on the event for more information.
Recent Pages and Quick Start
From the left hand side of the Home Screen, you can access available processes or forms for projects to which you have been assigned.
Select a process/form, then select a project for which it will be saved; or
Click on “More” and select both the process and project.
Once the process / form is created, you will need to go to the project to access it.
Navigation Tips
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Top Tabs vs Left Menu
Tabs along the top are the summary level, when you select one of these tabs you will be required to select a project.
Left Menu options are project specific. In other words, you must first select a project to view these options. If from here you click on one of the top tabs, you will exit the project and will need to re-select it.
Recent Pages
Displays a list of recently used pages
Quick Start
This menu allows you to easily start any form or process instance. The default menu options contain a combination of the first ten processes/ forms that you have permissions to modify. The ten listed forms/processes will automatically update based on your usage. The most recently created instances will append to the top of the menu list.
First select the desired form or process type from the Quick Start menu. Then from the popup window select the corresponding project and create your instance.
If the form or process you are looking for is not displayed in the defaulted menu list, click the ‘More’ links. The ‘More’ link give you access to the remaining instances you have permissions to modify.
Top Tabs vs Left Menu
Tabs along the top are the summary level, when you select one of these tabs you will be required to select a project
Left Menu options are project specific. In other words, you must first select a project to view these options. If from here you click on one of the top tabs, you will exit the project and will need to re-select it.
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To quickly find your project you can start typing the project name or project number and it will narrow the list in the menu.
Search allows you to complete a key word search on any area of a project across all projects. Documents search is restricted to a single project due to the number of results a key word can cause.
The search can be narrowed down by selecting a project first.