The menu under the file name is just for that file.
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Documents into a Project
From the Project Documents
The contents of each folder can be viewed on the right side in the area labeled Folder Content Area in image above. The folder name appears at the top. The menu under folder name on the right side is for multiple documents. To Delete, Move, Copy, etc. document(s), you must select the item(s) by clicking in the checkbox and clicking the desired option (Download, Send, Compare, etc.)
From the project documents page:
Select the “00 – E-mail In-box (I)” folder.
On the right side, click “Email Address”in the “Private URL -Email Address” link next to the Copy to Clipboard label.
It will copy the email address (you may receive a prompt requesting access to do so) to your clipboard.
In your email message, paste the email address.
The project email address format is MIT.projectnumber@docs.e-builder.net where the projectnumber is the number of the project into which you wish to email documents.
If it is not, please contact the MIT Contact the e-Builder administrator or e-Builder Administratortrainer if you have any issues using this feature.
Sending Documents
Within the documents module you have the ability to send the document to users or nonusers of e-Builder from within the folder.