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Note:  Next revision cycle, start building everything into
$HOME/\[app\]-\[version#\] and creating a symlink to $HOME/\[app\] so that there is
no question about what the current, in use, directory is.

Note: When downloading software to install in these instructions, unless
otherwise indicated, always download the tomcat tarball, and avoid binary
installers.  Binary installers tend to make inaccurate assumptions about what
libraries you have installed on your system, as well as other problems.

1. download the latest Alfresco Enterprise edition software from
   []; Login using provided Alfresco username and
   password.  The software is in:  {noformat}

   \[Company Home\] - \[Downloads\] - \[
 Releases\] - \[
{Minor Version}
\\ {noformat}

   This files needed are:  {noformat}

   alfresco-enterprise-tomcat-\[new version\].tar.gz
   alfresco-enterprise-wcm-2.0.1.tar.gz  \-  is needed for WCM, but not Thalia  {noformat}

   Also needed is a license from:  {noformat}

   \[Company Home\] - \[Downloads\] - \[Limited Downloads\]  {noformat}

   Such as:


   Store the software in a convenient temporary directory on the system
   receiving the install, such as /tmp/alfresco or /root/alfresco.

2. If this system is currenlty in use as an Alfresco server, suspend any
   services directly dependent upon Alfresco (such as Thalia IME), and then
   suspend Alfresco itself.

   2a. Suspend any services directly dependent upon Alfresco, such as Thalia
       IME.  This is highly dependent upon what that service is.

   2b. Suspend Alfresco.

       cd /home/alfresco-\[current version\]
       ./ stop

   2c. Scan the process list to see when the Alfresco processes finish
       shutting down and terminate.  Repeat until no alfresco processes are left.

       ps aux \| grep alfresco

       This may take some time to do.  If it takes longer then 5 minutes, kill
       the process directly.

       kill \-9 \[process number\]

   2d. Back up the current repository, and copy the backup to a backup storage

3. Prepare the home directories.  If this system had previous installations of
   Alfresco, move the previous repository stores and database to a backup
   location.  Then create the home directories.

   cd /home
   mkdir /home/alfresco-\[new version\]
   mkdir /home/alf_data

   If this is going to be a clustered machine, create the cluster directories.

   mkdir /home/alf_data/cluster-A
   mkdir /home/alf_data/cluster-B
   mkdir /home/alf_data/cluster-\[repeat for each stack in cluster\]
   mkdir /home/alf_data/replication

4. Unpack the software into the correct directory.

   cd /home/alfresco-\[new version\]
   tar \-xzvf /root/alfresco/alfresco-enterprise-tomcat-\[new version\].tar.gz

   If this is going to be a WCM server, unpack the WCM component.

   tar \-xzvf /rood/alfresco/alfresco-enterprise-wcm-2.0.1.tar.gz

5. Copy the file from the ISDA software repository to the new
   Alfresco home directory.

   scp \[krb-id\]@\[software-repository\] /home/alfresco-\[new-version\]

   Edit the file to use the local file paths.

6. Copy the license to the license directory.

   cp /root/alfresco/enterprise-network-developer-unlimited.lic  \
   /home/alfresco-\[new version\]/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/license

7. Set up the dir.root location by adding it to the file.


8. Setup MySQL database to be used by this system, if this is a new install.
   If this is an upgrade, backup the database with mysqldump.

   8a. Login to MySQL server as root and connect to the MySQL database

   8b. If this is a new install, create a new database and setup a user.

      8b1. Create the database.

         create database alfresco;   Where alfresco is the name of the
                                     database to create

      8b2. Grant permissions to user.

         grant all on alfresco.\* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by
          'password' with grant option;
         grant all on alfresco.\* to 'username'@'localhost.localdomain'
          identified by 'password' with grant option;

         Replace the database, password and user names as needed, to match
         the alfresco server.  Select a password that will be secure.

9.  If this is going to be the second indepenant instance of Alfresco on a
    server, then edit the files:


    Alter the option avm.remote.port to have a unique port number, and the
    ports for RMI and JMX.

11. If this is going to be a WCM system, move the wcm-bootstrap-context.xml
    file into the extensions directory, and configure virtualization and

   11a. Move the bootstrap file for WCM.

    cd /home/alfresco-\[new version\]
    mv wcm-bootstrap-context.xml tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension

   11b. Edit the virtualization server properties file and change the server

    vi virtual-tomcat/conf/

      Edit alfresco.virtserver.domain to have the IP address of the server
      receiving the Alfresco software:

12.  If this is going to be a clustered system, more or alter the following
     files to make a cluster configuration.

    12a.  Move the following files in

       cp replicating-content-services-context.xml.sample \
       cp ehcache-custom.xml.sample.cluster ehcache-custom.xml

    12b.  Select an ID for the cluster ID, and alter the following properties
          in the file.
       dir.root=/home/export   #  Set to an appropriate local, usually a SAN mount
       dir.indexes = $
       dir.indexes.lock = $
       index.recovery.mode = AUTO
       index.tracking.cronExpression=0/5 * * * * ?
       system.bootstrap.config_check.strick = true