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Notes can be added to the project here


Refer to Project Documents. The Documents tab in Project Documents is not used in MIT's e-Builder implementation for required project documentation.


Project Docs
Project Docs
Project Documents


The Project Documents section is being rewritten. Please contact an eB administrator for assistance with project documents.

Access to project documents is limited to e-Builder users who are assigned to the project.


You may access documents from the Documents tab at the top of the Home page, but you will need to select the project before viewing its documents.

Document Folder Structure

A pre-defined When a project is created a standard set of folders is preconfigured for each added to a project. All project documents go into one of the folders. You cannot change add, delete or change the name of folders. Comments or suggestions about the folder structure can be forwarded to e-Builder administrators by using the should be stored in e-Builder MIT Feedback Form found in the user experience an appropriate folder. The page below shows the top level folder structure.

Image Added

Your role on the project determines which folders you can view and to which folders you can add documents.

All folders indicate the access level as follows:

  • “I” for Internal (MIT users)
  • “E” for External
  • “I&E” for Internal and External.

Project Managers can view all folders.  However, if you upload documents, pay close attention into which type of folder you upload documents as the potential exists for internal documents to be accessible to external users when placed in the incorrect folderFolders accessible to external users, for example designers or contractors, are identified with an (E). When adding documents to folders marked with an (E) be sure that you want external users to have access to that information.

Upload Multiple Documents



Dragging documents requires IE10 or higher. The ability to Create Folder Folders has been restricted. You will be unable to upload an entire folder at one time.


Email Documents into a Project

Image Removed 

From the Project Documents page:
