Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  2f:  to look at a request:

Code Block

openssl req \-in ./req.pem \-text

       to look at the private key:

Code Block

openssl rsa \-in /usr/local/ssl/private/`hostname`-key.pem \-text

       to look at the server certificate:

Code Block

openssl x509 \-in /usr/localx/ssl/certs/`hostname`-cert.pem \-text

3.  Setup local directory structure and users.


     3ab. Make certain that the library files are put into their correct locations.

Code Block
scp -R${REPOS_HOME}/System-configs/www-userweblib  /home/www/weblib/


7. install the SASH Server   NOTE:  These instructions are written assuming version 2.0.3 4-BETA of the SASH Server, but this version has been deprecatedis not officially supported.  We are waiting on version 2.0.4 to become officially supported.

   7a. download sash-server-2.0.34-1BETA.noarch.tar.gz from: will need to register and login to the web site to be able to
         download the SASH Server.  Also, copy the sashsrv.conf mkInstance, and out of the ISDA repository and onto the


Code Block
cd /home/www
tar \-xzvf /root/sash-server-2.0.34-1.noarchBETA.tar.gz
ln \-s sash-server-2.0.34-1BETA sash-server
cd sash-server-2.0.34-1BETA

   7c.  Edit /etc/profile.d/ to export a home variable, and set it world executable.

Code Block
cat > /etc/profile.d/
export SASHSRV_HOME=/home/www.sash-server-2.0.34-1BETA
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/home/www/weblib
chmod a-w,a+rx /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/


     after <Server port="%%SHUTDOWN_PORT%%" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">   add

Code Block
 <Listener className="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig"
      modJk="/home/www/apache/modules/" jkDebug="info"

      after  <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">

Code Block
 <Listener className="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig" append="true" />


     7af. Uncomment the AJP block in server.xml.

Code Block
  <!-- An AJP Connector - uncomment if needed -->
    <Connector port="%%AJP_PORT%%"
        protocol="AJP/1.3" />

     7ag. edit tomcat_users.xml, and add the following user definition just
          above the '</tomcat-users>' line:

Code Block
  <role rolename="manager"/>
       <user username="tomcat" password="*****" roles="tomcat,manager"/>


12. update paths in /etc/profile, by adding the following line in the path
    manipulation code block (you can find it by searching for /usr/local/sbin)

Code Block
      pathmunge /usr/local/bin
      pathmunge /usr/kerberos/bin


        Alternatively, if there is not /home/https/weblib, create a
        /home/www/weblib directory

Code Block
 mkdir /home/www/weblib

  13c.  Edit /etc/init.d/web to have the following global variable:
