- Elizabeth Kendall - SRI - elizabeth.kendall@sri.com
- Anthea Coster - MIT - ajc@haystack.mit.edu
- Bill Rideout - MIT - brideout@haystack.mit.edu
- Roger Varney - SRI - roger.varney@sri.com
- Ashton Reimer - SRI - ashton.reimer@sri.com
- Thomas Ulich - SGO - thomas.ulich@sgo.fi
- Anita Aikio - Oulu - anita.aikio@oulu.fi
- Ian McCrea - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory -ian.mccrea@stfc.ac.uk
- Craig Heinselman - EISCAT - craig.heinselman@eiscat.se
- Carl-Fredrik Enell - EISCAT - carl-fredrik.enell@eiscat.se
- Antti Kero - SGO - antti.kero@sgo.fi
IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger
- pyAMISR python toolkit
Nygren paper on radar and alternating codes
Past years ISR school wiki pages
MIT small radar siteMovie of Arecibo plasma line 2018-07-23
09:00 Shuttle from Oulu train station to Pikku-Syöte