09:00 Shuttle from Oulu train station to Pikku-Syöte
11:00 Arrive at Pikku-Syöte, Check-in, accommodate everyone 12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome (Thomas Ulich, Elizabeth Kendall)
- Introduction of participants and instructors (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)
- Addressing computer needs and other logistics (Thomas Ulich and Bill Rideout)
- Group assignments (Thomas Ulich and Elizabeth Kendall)
13:45 Introduction to the Ionosphere (Anita Aikio)
14:30 ISR as a Black Box (Bill Rideout)
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 Radar 1: Radar Physics (Anthea Coster)
16:30 ISR Theory 1: The Short Introduction to Incoherent Scatter (Anita Aikio)
17:15 Ionosphere Radar Data Examples (Anita Aikio)
17:30 Madrigal Database and Group Work (Bill Rideout)
Group exercise 1: Web Interface
Group exercise 2: Writing scripts
Madrigal ipython notebook example
19:00 Dinner
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Ionosphere – Radar Data Example Discussion (Anita Aikio)
08:45 Radar 2 (Ilkka Virtanen)
09:30 Radar 3: Statistical Signal Processing (Roger Varney)
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 ISR Theory 2 (Roger Varney)
11:30 Interpreting Incoherent Scatter Radar Data (Ian McCrea)
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Experiment Design and Data Analysis:
EISCAT - Carl-Fredrik Enell
SRI - Roger Varney
Millstone Hill - Bill Rideout
14:15 Arecibo, and Jicamarca modes during experiments (Elizabeth Kendall)
14:30 Experiment Design (group work)
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Experiment Design (group work)
18:00 Deadline to submit group experiments
19:00 Start of Experiment Night – see separate timetable
- (16 UTC to 22 UTC, 2 h per group, 2 groups parallel, 19 LT - 01 LT)
- Dinner – interleaved with experiments