Project Details
The Details page allow allows the schedule manager to change:
- Start Date
- Hours per Day
- Hours per Week
- Days per Month
- Auto Calculate the percentage completeAutomatically calculate the % Complete (see below)
- Work Day Start Time
- Work Day End Time
- Work Week Days
Automatically calculate the % Complete
It is important to understand the impact of this option on updating linked tasks.
When schedule dates are in the past and Automatically calculate the % complete is checked, this option takes precedence.
It is recommended that this option remain unchecked until you are sure all your tasks are completely up-to-date. If you ever have to make changes to past events, always un-check this option and then continue workingClick the Save Button to save any changes.
Updating a Schedule
The MIT-specific schedule template establishes tasks for Design, Procurement Services, Construction, Commissioning and Turnover and Occupancy under which the project manager may add sub-tasks. Note that Design has established subtasks for Scoping, SD, DD and CD. These tasks should be left intact. Schedule managers may establish sub-tasks where needed to maintain the schedule.