Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  2f:  to look at a request:

Code Block
openssl req \-in ./req.pem \-text

       to look at the private key:

Code Block
openssl rsa \-in /usr/local/ssl/private/`hostname`-key.pem \-text

       to look at the server certificate:

Code Block
openssl x509 \-in /usr/localx/ssl/certs/`hostname`-cert.pem \-text

3.  Setup local directory structure and users.


Code Block
groupadd www
useradd \-g www \-d /home/www \-m \-r \-s /bin/bash www

     3aa.  Set the www user directory structure and copy the config files into place.

Code Block
mkdir /home/www/weblib
mkdir /home/www/etc
cp \-a /root/weblib /home/www/weblib
scp \-r${REPOS_HOME}/System-configs/www-user/etc /home/www/etc
cp /root/map-dev-ws1-new-keytab /home/www/etc/krb/
chown \-R www:www /home/www/etc
chmod a-w,o-rx,u+r /home/www/etc/krb/


Code Block
scp -R${REPOS_HOME}/System-configs/www-userweblib  /home/www/weblib/

  3b.  If needed (if this system is going to hold an Alfresco instance, or something similar), setup the repository user.

Code Block
groupadd repos
useradd \-g dbusr \-d /home/www \-m \-r \-s /bin/bash repos

  3c.  If needed, setup the database user.

Code Block
groupadd dbuser
useradd \-g dbusr \-d /home/www \-m \-r \-s /bin/bash dbusr

4 set up apache-ssl
  4a: download Apache 2.2.4 from apache archive site at

  4b: Unpack apache 2.2.4 (tar -xzvf) and do "cd httpd-2.2.4"

Code Block
cd /opt
tar \-xzvf /root/httpd-2.2.4.tar.gz
cd httpd-2.2.4

  4c. compile apache following the instruction in the INSTALL file.
      To enable the SSL, do the following:

Code Block
./configure \--prefix=/home/www/apache-2.2.4 \--enable-ssl \
  \--with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl \
  \--enable-modules="most mod_rewrite"
make install
ln \-s /home/www/apache-2.2.4 /home/www/apache


  5a. download mod-jk 1.2.21 source (previous versions have a security hole
      that could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitary code) from

Code Block
cd /opt
tar \-xzvf /root/tomcat-connectors-1.2.21-src.tar.gz
cd tomcat-connectors-1.2.21-src


Code Block
rpm \-ivh jdk-6-linux-i586

   6d. create a file in /etc/profile.d named  It should contain
        a line exporting a variable pointing to the Java home directory.  Then
        make this file world executable.:


Code Block
cd /home/www
tar \-xzvf /root/sash-server-2.0.4-BETA.tar.gz
ln \-s sash-server-2.0.4-BETA sash-server
cd sash-server-2.0.4-BETA


Code Block
cd ${SASHSRV_HOME}/core/server/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/lib
unzip \-j /root/  sash-2.0-flattened-jars/commons-io-1.3.1-1.jar


    7ai.  Update the www user.

Code Block
chown \-R www:www /home/www

            And edit $SASHSRV_HOME/bin/setvars,  $SASHSRV_HOME/bin/sash-server.init, and $SASHSRV_HOME/bin/sash-server-CS2.init, and change the      


Code Block
cd $SASHSRV_HOME/servers
rm \-rf default
./mkInstance \-N default
cd $SASHSRV_HOME/servers/default


Code Block
LoadModule jk_module "/home/www/apache/modules/" 

  7b. apache side: edit /home/www/apache/conf/httpd.conf
   edit the following directives:


Code Block
# points to directory with tomcat servers
DocumentRoot "/home/www/sash-server-2.0.4-BETA/servers/"
# the servername of the server
# the admins of this server
# error log file
ErrorLog /home/www/apache/logs/error_log
# access log file
TransferLog /home/www/apache/logs/access_log
# public server certificate
SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/ssl/certs/
# private server certificate
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/ssl/private/https-key.pem
#certificate path
SSLCACertificatePath /usr/local/ssl/certs
# certificate authority key
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/ssl/certs/mitCA.pem

SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth  10

   7f. add the following after the '<Directory "/home/www/apache/cgi-bin">'
       block in /home/www/apache/conf/extras/httpd-ssl.conf


Code Block
cp /root/; /home/www/weblib

  13e.  Restart web services and tomcat


Wiki Markup
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 14a.&nbsp; Send email to and ask for a kerberos principle in the format of daemon.\[hostname\].krb5.keytab.&nbsp; When you receive it, install it in /home/www/etc/krb
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; as daemon.\[hostname\].krb5.keytab.

Wiki Markup
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 14b.&nbsp; Send email to Mark Silis&nbsp; or Jim Repa and request that the kerberos principle above (daemon/\[hostname\] be added to the access control
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; list for the databases on Illinois that the web service will be using (often mitid or roles).


  15c. Use rpm to install these packages, installing the Kerberos
       configuration package first.

Code Block
rpm \-ivh mit-krb-config-1.0-3.noarch.rpm
rpm \-ivh mit-openafs-setup-1.2-3.noarch.rpm


Code Block
cd /usr/local
tar \-xzvf /root/moira-rhel4-clients.tar.gz
