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Deck of Cards

This process is used to submit pay requisitions and invoices. It can started by the Project Manager, A/E Lead, Consultant or Contractor. It can also be initiated by the Administrative Assistant when the A/E, Consultant or Contractor is unable to do so.

This process integrates with SAP.

labelProcess Map
labelPayment Application Columns

This reference is provided as an aid when submitting an invoice.

Column Name


A - Commitment Item #

This column displays the commitment number.

B - Description of Work

This column displays the description of work for the respective commitment line item.

Budget Code with Description

This column displays the budget code and description of the budget line item that the commitment is associated with.

C - Scheduled Value

This column displays the amount of the commitment item.

D - Work in Place from Previous Application(s)

This column displays the total approved invoice amount from previous payment applications for work in place excluding any previously stored material.

E - This Period

This column displays the amount of work in place for this period.

F - Total Materials Presently Stored

This column displays the net materials store, which is the materials stored from previous payment applications and newly delivered items awaiting payment for this period.

G - Total Completed and Stored to Date (D+E+F)

This column displays the amount of work completed and stored to date, which is the sum of work in place from previous payment applications, the amount of work in place for this period and the total amount of material stored to date, including newly delivered items awaiting payment.

H - % (G/C)

This column displays the total amount of materials completed and stored divided by the commitment amount.

I - Balance to Finish (C-G)

This column displays the remaining balance.

J - Retainage Release Amount

This column displays the amount of remaining retainage.

Retained This Period

This column displays the invoice amount retained for this period

Amount Less Retainage

This column displays the net invoice amount due for payment for this period

K - Cumulative Retainage

This column displays the cumulative retainage amount for all previous payment applications.

Edit Invoice Custom Fields Icon ()

Click this icon to add or modify invoice item custom fields.

Example A:

When a user places amounts in Column E "This Period" and Column F "Total Materials Presently Stored", the system totals the "Current Work Invoiced this period" (minus the Retainage that is taken out for that period). 

The Current Work Invoiced this Period is what is being paid out to clients and the overall total of the BILL.  

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Example B:

When a new BILL gets started, the Total Materials Stored that was inputted in the previous BILL is AUTOMATICALLY placed in the Total Materials Presently Stored, while the Past amount that was placed in Column E (This Period) is now moved to Column D (Work In Place from Previous Application(s)). The total of column D (past BILL period amount), column F (materials stored past AND present), and column E (whatever is inputted on THIS BILL) is finally totaled in column G. Total Materials stored needs to keep the values in place to properly calculate column G. The individual filling out the values need to add onto that, the values should not be removed.

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labelStep Descriptions

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  • The process is started by the A/E Lead, Administrative Assistant, Contractor or Consultant who fills out the required fields and attaches the associated documents before taking the Submit action.
  • The next step is Final Invoice?.

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Invoice Amount Entered <= $0


The total value of the invoice must be > $0. This step checks to see if the value is less than or equal to $0.

  • If True the system returns the invoice to the initiator to be amended.
  • If False the process proceeds to the Valid Invoice #? step.

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Initiator Fixes Invoice Total


If the process is in this step the invoice was submitted with a total value that was 0 or less.

The initiator must amend the invoice so that the total is a positive number and take the Submit action.

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Valid Invoice #?


The invoice number is evaluated to ensure that it complies with SAP requirements.

  • If True (Compliant) the next step is Final Invoice?
  • If False (Not compliant) the next step is Fix Invoice Number.

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Fix Invoice Number


If the invoice number is not compliant the Project Manager or eB Admin must modify the invoice number in this step.

The next step is Valid Invoice Number?

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Final Invoice?

  • This is a decision step to determine if the final invoice is being processed. If it is the final invoice the project manager is prompted with a list of requirements with which the vendor should comply before the invoice is processed. Both the final invoice and not final invoice paths have the same steps taken by the same actors.
  • The next step is Requires A/E Review or A/E Reviews Final.

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Requires A/E Review

  • This step allows the A/E to review the invoice. If Approved a DocuSign step is initiated.
  • If Submit (required) is chosen the next step is DocuSign.
  • If Don't Sign is chosen the the next step is PM Review or PM Reviews Final.

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A/E Review or A/E Review Final

  • The A/E reviews the submitted invoice/documents.
  • If Submit is chosen the next step is DocuSign.
  • If Don't Sign is chosen the next step is PM Reviews or PM Reviews Final.

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DocuSign allows the A/E to sign the document electronically.

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PM Reviews or PM Reviews Final

  • The Project Manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and has the option to take an action to Submit, Reject or Void.
  • If Submit is chosen the next step is Accounting Manager Approve.
  • If Reject is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise and Resubmit.
  • If Void is chosen the next step is Finish. The Process Status will be Void.

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Accounting Manager Approve

  • The Accounting Manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and has the option to take an action to Approve or Revise/Revise Final.
  • If Approve is chosen the next step is Waiting for Payment.
  • If Revise or Revise Final is chosen the next step is PM Review.

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Waiting for Payment

  • The process will hold for the SAP integration to update the process once payment has been made. The automation will cause the Paid action.
  • Processes may be in the status for up to 30 days,.
    The next step is Finish.

11. Finish