Help run rehearsals.
The schedule for rehearsals is available on Callboard, on its embedded Google calendar.
- Take down blocking in SM script copy. Always take these in pencil as everything has a tendency to change.
- Keep track of props/set/costumes--note any new changes or director notes.
- Be on-book for actors after off-book date (when they say "line" give them their line).
- After rehearsal, put things away as necessary. The SM/ASM is responsible for securing all rehearsal items and the rehearsal room.
- Write a rehearsal report. WRITE DETAILED REPORTS. Make sure any notes from the director on what needs to be rehearsed, what props are needed, costumes, etc. are taken down. An example is attached. This helps the prod staff keep updated on new items they need or constraints on items they know about. This is also available on Callboard. Make sure to take notes on the progress made, and if scenes were over or under rehearsed.
- ASMs are welcome to attend production meetings but are not required to (if the SM is unavailable, they may ask you to sub in).
- Make sure you have everything from the office you need. This is usually the SM binder (with the script inside), SM/First Aid kit, and the props cart.
- Arrive early to rehearsal. 15 minutes is usually good. If you have rehearsal on campus (not in W20), you'll need some extra time to get everything you need from the office.
- Set up the room as needed. If it's locked, call CAC to get it unlocked. (617-253-1500: ask to speak to the CAC manager on duty. Program this into your phone NOW. Do it. Go.)
- Tape down the set lines (once we have a set). Start doing this as soon as you have a set layout. It will help the actors a lot later. Make sure you arrive early enough to do this. Unless the director specifically doesn't want the set taped out for a rehearsal exercise, it should be taped out every time.
- Set rehearsal props/costumes.
- For table reads, make sure you have enough chairs and tables.