- Communications Update
- Mailing List
- hr-neo@mit.edu has been established to communicate to everyone associated with the project
- To be added or removed from the list, contact Ken Paul (kpaul@mit.edu)
- Wiki Access
- We established that all members of the project can access the NEO Wiki
- The URL is: https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/display/NEO/Home
- Mailing List
- Image Usage/Acquisitions
- Tom recommended Christopher Harting's photographs, who has published a number of works involving the MIT campus. Christopher has a collection of unpublished photographs taken at Stata and the sports center.
- Both Wing and Kath T-L feel Christopher's work is appropriate, and have already started to identify photos that could work with the NEO site.
- Julienne expressed the concern that the photographs could end up being too Stata-centric, that it would be good to have a larger variety of locations. Tom mentioned that many of the photographs are close-ups, and the building wasn't identifiable.
- Tom will post a link to Christopher Harting's site for our review.
- Wing would like approval and comments by Friday, 5/16/08.
- IS&T Update
- IS&T is introducing lots of changes and improvements to how MIT handles security
- There will be a significant change to the new employee provisioning process when the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) database goes live, most likely well after the NEO release date.
- Until then, the process for acquiring a MIT Certificate will not change.
- While IS&T plans to improve the IS&T site for acquiring an MIT Certificate, it is unclear whether this will be completed in time for the NEO release.
- The NEO team will need to be prepared to develop a web page which simplifies this process.
- Paul Hill is the IS&T contact for vetting our MIT Certificate related content.
- Multi-Media Approach
- We have decided to use a third party software solution for producing our Multi-media overview presentations, as it best meets our needs.
- The final choice will be between Articulate, PointeCast, or a couple of more products to be researched. All convert PowerPoint slides to Flash.
- Kathleen Flynn raised the issue of updating the overviews; Ken stated that with the software solutions being considered, individual slides can be changed and published to the web.
- We will decide on the product by next week.
- Writing & Design Schedule
- The schedule below reflects changes discussed in the 5/13/08 meeting. These changes are italicized.
- Kath T-L will provide writing materials to both Julienne and Janet.
- Janet will consolidate comments and provide feedback 3 business days after receipt.
- Design comments need to be returned to Wing 4 business days after a review presentation.
- We introduced usability evaluations into the schedule
- Ranjani will coordinate Usability Review and Testing
- The Usability Review will be scheduled after the 2nd design review and needs to be completed by 6/17.
- The Usability Testing will be conducted during the programming phase, perhaps late July or early August. Design (Wing Ngan)
- 1st 1st design review (5/27) (in-person presentation)
o We will review 3 design options. (each option will include a homepage and 2 lower level pages)
o The goal of this review is to nail down 1 design direction.
o Design direction decision due 6/2
- 2nd 2nd design review (6/12) (design review via internet)
o Refined web pages graphic of the chosen direction from the 1st round will be available for review on line.
o Usability Review begins, to be completed by 6/17 to Ken Paul.
o I will expect few more feedback on the design refinement. Comments due back by 6/18.
- 3rd 3rd design review (6/26) (design review via internet)
o This This will be the final design review. i will present most of the major web pages for final review.
- I I will expect a sign off on the final design by 6/27. Then I will prepare the final design file and deliver it over to Bob for programming by 7/1.
Writing (Kath Thurston-Lighty)
- 1st writing deliverable - 5/16
Home, about, sitemap names, interactive box, FEEDBACK due 5/21/08
- 2nd writing deliverable - 5/30
pages deemed most important, FEEDBACK due 6/04/08
- 3rd writing deliverable - 6/13
pages deemed most important, FEEDBACK due 6/18/08
- 4th writing deliverable - 6/27
final pages
- * Writing & Design Issues/Discussions
- We confirmed that any consolidation or reorganization of the site map leading to a cleaner, simpler NEO web site experience is a good thing.
- Ken pointed out that the commercial multi-media software produces its own Flash viewer; there is no need for Wing to design a separate one. We will have the ability to customize the Flash viewer's color scheme, etc., and that will need coordination with Wing's design.
- We confirmed the desire to have a NEO PowerPoint template reflecting the graphical elements and themes of Wing's design. Wing indicated that he could do this, and that he has experience producing PowerPoint slides as well. We brought up the possibility of engaging a PowerPoint guru to introduce special effects and animations.
- Julienne raised the question of broadening Benefits involvement to review writing content; Kathleen Flynn felt this wasn't necessary, that their involvement was more appropriate for the Benefits pages rewrite (a separate project).
- Next Action Items
- Tom will send out a link to Christopher Harting's web site (done 5/14/08)
- Tom will send Julienne pricing/rights info on the above
- Provide photography feedback to Ken, decision/comments to Wing by 5/16
- Kath T-L- 1st writing deliverable due 5/16 to Julienne and Janet
- Ken to provide links/info on Multi-media software to Wing (done 5/14/08)
Consolidated Design and Writing Calendar