Versions Compared


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  1. Completed new semester image tweaks to Stellar home page
  2. UI CAMS meeting
  3. Completed Gradebook workflow diagram updates
  4. Began CAMS Login page layout redesign
  5. Began design of CAMS and core icon for WAYF login page
  6. Stellar 2.2 review meeting:
  7. Updated UI tasklist for Stellar Fall release
  8. OTI: PHP SOAP client completed.
  9. OTI: demo completed and shared with CCSS team
  10. OTI: Working on enabling JSONP (cross domain ajax) for RESTFul web services
  11. OTI: Started on unit tests for web services

Community Tools and Applications

  1. Met with Staff Diversity council regarding Wiki  use
  2. Contaced Jive for more specific explanation of ClearSpace SSO integration
  3. Experimented with using php SOAP client  to populate Clearspace groups and spaces
  4. Worked on
  5. Reset some configurations on confab http and tomcat servers so app can reliably find latex utils for plugin operation
  6. Wiki presentation at IT Partners conference
  7. Discussed Moira web service issues, possibilities for Confluence with Dave Tanner
  8. Put together environment for building new MIT Confluence theme for 2.8
  9. Clearspace meeting with IPS
  10. Investigated Jira data report in Thalia project
  11. Fixed a bug that caused some non-MIT users not to get permissioned properly in Confluence under the right conditions
  12. IDN Steering group meeting- MIT membership in inCommon is imminent
  13. checking of current installed Confluence plugins against v. 2.8. most ok so far; scaffolding plugin problematic --  broken in 2.8 default theme, but works properly with 'classic' theme
  14. Began testing Moira web service
  15. Continued investigation of problematic scaffolding plugin in Confluence
  16.  Continued working on checking, identifying necessary modifications for Confluence MIT theme against 2.8Got app certificate from NIST so begin testing Moira web service

Community Outreach and Research
