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See the Ensemble wiki > Term Jobs > Webmaster wiki page for instructions for accessing callboard. The password is "call". 

Before read through, update the callboard webpage with the show title and relevant dates, such as read through, off-book date, put-in, tech week, performances, and strike. If you click "source" in the upper right corner of the page editing box, it should look something like this: <p>If you are running late, please contact the stage manager running the rehearsal. For the locations of MIT rooms, visit <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Rehearsals for SHOW NAME</strong></p>
<p><em>Use the tabs on the right to switch between views. Use the link on the bottom to add to your calendar.</em></p>
<p>Read-through will be TIME AND DATE</p>
<p><b>Rehearsals</b>: <br />
Rehearsals will be at TIMES. The calendar above will have rehearsal times and the call schedule. <br />
The SM knows about all rehearsal conflicts that were listed on your audition form. If any other recurring conflicts arise, email SHOW EMAIL ADDRESS with the title 'REHEARSAL CONFLICT' ASAP!</p>
<p><b>Off book date is DATE </b>so you'll need to have all your lines memorized by then. As always though, the sooner you have them memorized, the easier it will be to rehearse!</p>
<p><b>Tech week</b>: Tech week is the week before the performances. During that week (starting with Q2Q on Monday), rehearsal will be every night from 6pm until we're finished with everything. It's especially important that you're around for this week to get used to working with the final costumes, lighting, and so on.</p>
<p><b>Put-In and Strike</b>: Put-In will be on <b>DATE</b> All cast and crew members are expected to work for 8 hours at Put-In. Strike will be immediately following the final performance on DATE. Everyone must help with strike.</p>
<p><b>Performances</b>: Performances are at TIME on DATES, and at TIME on DATES. You will be expected to arrive two hours before each performance (6pm or 2pm) to get ready.</p>

Read Through

Read through is when all of the actors, the SM, the producer, and the director gather in a room (ask Secretary for the room!) and read through the entire play. This is the best way to tell all the actors important things since they will all be in one place.
