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    <td width="36" height="421">&nbsp;
    <td width="554"><p align=center style='text-align:center'>
      <img src="" width="172" height="115" align=left></p>
      <p align=center style='text-align:center'><span class="style1"><span class="style2">Think about your worst meetings.&nbsp; </span></span></p>
      <p align=center class="style1 style2" style='text-align:center'>Remember what went wrong &ndash; <br>
    paralysis, mix-ups, boredom, blow outs?</p>
  <p align=center class="style1 style2" style='text-align:center'> Are you ready to bring your meetings to life? </p>
  <p class="style1 style2">Now you can.&nbsp; Join Professor Anjali Sastry on Thursday, November 30th, for <span class="style6">Effective Meetings: A Practicing Management Seminar</span>.&nbsp; Part of a new Sloan series of management skills opportunities, this focused, dynamic workshop will give you practical tools to turn the dreadful into the successful. &nbsp;Learn from the latest research, others&rsquo; experience, and your own reflection on the structure, roles, failures, and importance of meetings. You&rsquo;ll come away with a checklist for meeting planning and follow-up, techniques for keeping people on track, and key roles you can play to make the meeting work.</p>
  <p class="style1 style2"><em>Effective Meetings</em> will be offered on <strong>Thursday the 30th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in E51-335</strong>. To keep the course interactive, space will be limited, so <a href=""><strong><span
  none'>sign up on SloanSpace now</span></strong></a>. Don&rsquo;t let your next meeting waste your time &ndash; <a href=""><strong><span
  none'>register</span></strong></a> for <em>Effective Meetings</em> today!</p>
  <p align="center" class="style1 style2">For more information about Practicing Management,<br>
  go to the wiki at <a href=""><strong><span
  <p class="style1 style2">&nbsp;</p>
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