- Define and implement a set of policies and procedures on how we run our business, on
- how ISDA select products and services for, ISDA, IS&T and MIT as a whole
- how we do project discovery, incubation, development and management
- service readiness, product deployment and maintenance
- how we express, in written form, and exemplify through our actions, a set of norms we wish to develop within IS&T
- Workforce development
- provide career paths and training for individual staff
- analyze and address resource gaps
- develop guidelines to
- how we
- requisition, develop requirements for, interview, select, install, and review new FTEs
how we develop guidelines to requisition, develop requirements for, interview, select, install, and review new contractors and students
- To provide a rich set of data management services & tools with a robust data governance model
- deliver real time data services that are required for Identity Services
- deliver Managed Data Services to a minimum of 2 DLCs
- complete the BI Pilot(s)
- Define the portfolio for LMS and colaboration collaboration
- define the future for Stellar
- deliver a beta version of the LMS in parallel with Stellar 2.x
- produce scope and execution strategy for DOS