The Research and Instructional Support Group:
- Is responsible Responsible for recommending improvements to research support and instructional services.
- Develops programs and tools to strengthen staff efforts in research support and instruction locally and system-wide.
- Works with ASG and ISG to develop appropriate staff training and documentation.
- Peter Cohn, Chair
- Maggie Bartley, Instruction Coordinator, Dewey
- Lisa Horowitz, Central Reference Services (advisor)
- Angie Locknar, Instruction Coordinator, ESL
- Georgiana McReynolds, Reference Coordinator, Humanities
- Michael Noga, at-large member
- Anita Perkins, Reference Coordinator, Dewey
- Alan Rostoff, at-large member
- Lisa Sweeney, GIS Services, Rotch
- Mark Szarko, Instruction Coordinator, Humanities
RISG Minutes Archive
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