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There sure are a lot of image tools out there. How
do I choose the right one? Where does Thalia fit?
The Academic Computing Coordination group (ACCORD) is dedicated to helping the MIT community use the right technology for their needs. For assistance, see http://web.mit.edu/accord/. They maintain a list of tools at http://web.mit.edu/teachtech/. In particular, see image tool survey at http://web.mit.edu/teachtech/image.html .
Can I use Thalia for my class?
No. MITMIT's main tool for supporting teaching , learning and student collaboration and learning is the Stellar Course Management System. http://stellar.mit.edu/
Can I use Thalia for archiving?
No. MIT Libraries has the resources to archive your digital materials, which they offer through DSPACEMIT Libraries offers resources for the archiving of digital materials through their online institutional repository, DSpace. http://dspace.mit.edu/.
In order to upload images or create new libraries and slideshows, you must request a separate demo account from a Thalia administrator. Please send a request for a demo account to thalia-support@mit.edu and include your MIT Kerberos IdID.
Do I have to install anything?
Wiki Markup |
Each domain is allocated 10GB to start. More space foris asubject fee,to if available. availability and storage fees. Full details of the service are at \[ Link to final terms of service page \] |
With Thalia, you can determine who has access to your images and what level of access (i.e., permissions) is granted on a particular image or library of images. The domain administrator has assigns specific viewing and/or editing permissions. For more information on sharing: http://thalia.mit.edu/help/index.html?quickstart.html.
Note: Some customers need to restrict materials to MIT community use. It is possible to designate an entire domain as MIT-only (but not not individual items). These domains will require MIT Touchstone authentication before allowing users in.