My department has an approval process before images are shared. Does Thalia include workflow tools that could manage this process?
How can I become a customer?
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\[Jeanne - please add the process \] |
We have a lot of images. Are there tools to help us migrate to Thalia?
Yes. Thalia allows you to upload files in bulk with a zip file. Metadata, like titles or contributors, can be imported with a text file. Details at ?
Are there tools to export from Thalia?
Yes. You can download an entire library, including its associated metadata. You may also save a slideshow for playing for running offline.
Where can I learn more about Thalia's features?
With Thalia, you can determine who has access to your images and what level of access (i.e., permissions) is granted on a particular image or library of images. http://thalia.mit.edu/help/index.html?quickstart.html.
How do I become a customer?
Send your request to thalia-support@mit.edu to get started. Time frame?