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Wiki Markup
h1. Edgerton Lab Notebooks

h2. Current task lists and meeting notesProject Updates

h3. Project Metadata tasks

{dynamictasklist:Project Metadata}\\

h3. Meeting Notes
Update 2009-01-13

Database Status: All records for Notebooks, Pages, and Image Files have been loaded.  Student workers are editing Page and File records in advance of sending the database to Joyce Bedi.  They should finish next week.  At that point the database should be complete and ready to send to Joyce.  Arrangements for sending the database to Joyce along with the image files need to be made.  It might be easier to leave the database up on the libraries filemaker server and just provide Joyce access to the database via VPN and certificates.
\\ {excerpt}

h3h2. Team Member Tasks


h2. Documentation


h2. Working Documents


h2. Issues

Missing Images:
* nb14 \-\- images missing for "MC0025_nb14_039" through "MC0025_nb14_235"
* nbgg \-\- image for MC0025_nbgg_098 corrupted, only see top third of page

Extra Page Records:
*  nb32 p003a
* nb32 p027c
* nb32 f012
* nb33 p097c
* nb36 b004-007
* nbgg f046-f047

Extra File Records: nb20 has two sets of file records, both numbered 001-291, the second set has the images, the first set is blank;

same for nbee, #1-236 duplicates without images;

same for nbff, #1-375 duplicates without images