Follow-up message to include:
- Thank you for your responses to the initial questionnaire. Here are some final details/info we need before provisioning the domain:
1.What would you like your domain name to be?
- How much storage will you require?
- Storage
(format is
2.Name and contact of Domain Admin?
3.Name and contact of Sponsor Department? (this is for internal reporting purposes)
4.What is your Cost Object#?
o Free storage for your Thalia domain will be limited to 10 GB. Storage beyond 10 GB will be subject to storage fees per the Quotas and Fees guidelines set forth in the Thalia Terms of Service Please submit your Cost Object #, which we will keep +Agreement. We will keep your Cost Object# on record with the finance department.
- (put on TOS?)o Note that your account will not be charged a storage fee unless it exceeds the 10GB. We will notify you in advance, via an invoice if you exceed the 10GB storage and the amount due to us, prior to charging your account. o
-The Cost Object # is required of all DLC's that administer a Thalia domain and must be received before we can provision your domain.
Thank you for your interest.
-Thalia Support