Attending: Angie, Maggie, Remlee, Bill, Peter, Mark, Anita, Barbara, Lisa S. (minutes)
Guests: Brandie Doyle & Carol Robinson
- PSLG accepted the Reference Stats proposal for going to sample stats 4x per year.
New Public Services Documentation (ISG subgroup) (presented by Brandy Brandie Doyle & Carol Robinson)- Purpose is to consolidate and provide easy access to information, especially for public service staff working evenings and weekends. Anything on websites is searchable through search box. Some documentation links to Pdfs - which will not be searchable through search box. Documentation group populated the reference page (based on suggestions from Lisa H.), but it belongs to RISG. Considering making "more..." a drop down list to avoid creating a 3rdlevel before getting to what desired. Assume content will be changed by RISG. Some wiki pages require certificates - users can be trained to use Touchstone to log in from public service desk. Timeline: late May hoping to get wire frames to Marion, get something set up, and have a brown bag session to get more staff input. Don't hesitate to email any additional feedback to isg-lib@mit.edu.