MIT Libraries offers resources for the archiving of digital materials through their online institutional repository, : DSpace . http://dspace.mit.edu/.
Can I have my own Thalia site?
To access Thalia, you need a supported web browser with the Flash plug-in. Please see the system requirements documentation for specifics.
How much storage space do I get?
Yes. Thalia allows you to upload files in bulk with a zip file. Metadata, like titles or contributors, can be imported with a text file. Details at go to metadata for bulk uploadhttp://thalia-test.mit.edu/help/helpcontentsframebulkupmeta.htmlhtm.
Are there tools to export from Thalia?
With whom can I share my images? Can I share editing privileges?
With Thalia, you can you determine who has access to your images and what level of access (i.e., permissions) is granted on a particular image or library of images. http://thalia.mit.edu/help/index.html?quickstart.html