On the staging platform: all these domains are for testing. These are not customer domains.
Domains with customer prefixes use that customer's metadata mapping and can be used for testing issues within that domain - without actually mucking in their domain.
- test.thalia-dev.mit.eduap.thalia-test.mit.edu
- test.thalia-dev.mit.eduautotest.thalia-test.mit.edu
- test.thalia-dev.mit.edudemo.thalia-test.mit.edu
- test.thalia-dev.mit.eduhst.thalia-test.mit.edu
- test.thalia-dev.mit.edupsb.thalia-test.mit.edu
- rd.thalia-test.mit.edu
- test.thalia-test.mit.edu
- usability.thalia-test.mit.edu - used for recording Captivate videos. Try to keep extraneous folders to a minimum.
On the production server: not including customer domains; those you can find on the Customer Matrix.
Only "test" on production is to be used for testing. Do not test in customer domains. Ever.
- https://demo.thalia.mit.edu
- domain for try-out accounts.
- https://test.thalia.mit.edu
- test releases here.