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FY10 Q1 Metrics and Narrative.docx

1. Automated semester transition
CCS developers spent many hours preparing Stellar components for the upcoming academic term. Most of the work involved changing term information  using a laborious and error prone process of manually changing files (spread across many Stellar components) to update term mappings (ex: 2010FA -> fa09), term Strings (ex: 2010FA -> Fall 2009). This information took the form of static hashtables (in java code), hardcoded values in XSL, fremarker templates and javascripts and in shell/perl scripts. Moving this information to the database and providing a basic admin interface will reduce developer time dedicated to these ongoing tasks.
What we’ve done thus far:
a) Provide a common API for everyone to access this information. The location for this is the stellar-two-jar project
b) Make sure the transition is automated (see @Stellar for example) or where not possible, provide an admin interface so that support personnel can make the transition.
2. Enhance site request to include bulk site creation
This step will remove developer’s time to create these manually; first on test and then on production.
The above should also include special site creation request. For example: SMA/DMA and Leader-to-Leader sites.
PE bulk site creation will be the biggest hurdle to completely automate this process.

Remaining automation tasks are being addressed in Patches 11 and 12 as follows:

  1. Complete semester transition tasks related to term mapping for standalone webapps: Course Guide, @Stellar and the Gateway site.
  2. Improve production logging to reduce logging and debug clutter on servers.
  3. Automate the warehouse data transfer script.
  4. Provide clean way to delete (not archive) course sites that have been created erroneously (either by user request or by support).

April through June 2009

CCS Q4 MetricsandNarrative.docx 
