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C. Variable fields

034 Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data

1. 034 can be repeated.

2. Both 034 and 255 should be present in the bib record. The mathematical data in 034 should correspond to data entered in 255.

3. When doing Copy-Cataloging, cataloger can just accept the data in 034 and its corresponding 255. If bib record is with pre-AACR2 cataloging, the scale note will be in field 507 instead.

4. For more information regarding 034 field, go to

5. Examples:

               034 0_ a For map with no scale

               034 1_ a For map with a single scale.

               034 1_ a $b 500000
               034 1_ a $b 1000000
               255 Scale 1:500,000. 7.89 miles to 1 in.
               255 Scale 1:1,000,000. 1mm. = 1 km. 1 in. = 15.78 miles.
               300 2 maps on 1 sheet : $b col., on both sides ; $c 85 x 112 cm. or smaller, sheet 89 x 152 cm.

               034 1_ a $b 500000 $d W0663000 $e W0593000 $f N0471000 $g N0432500
               034 1_ a $b 1000000 $d W0663000 $e W0592000 $f N0472000 $g N0432000

               255 Scale 1:500,000. 7.89 miles to 1 in. $c (W 66°30’---W 59°30’/N47°10’---N 43°25’)

               255 Scale 1:1,000,000. 1mm. = 1 km. 1 in. = 15.78 miles. $c (W 66°30’---W 59°20’/N47°20’---N 43°20’)

               300 2 maps on 1 sheet : $b col., on both sides ; $c 85 x 112 cm. or smaller, sheet 89 x 152 cm.

052 Geographic Classification

  1. When doing copy-cataloging, accept and do not create/add any new 052 field(s). Also do not edit any existing 052 field (s).
  2. If item is an atlas, the call number will be different from the 052 number.

090 Locally Assigned LC-type Call Number

099 Local Free-Text Call Number

  1. Together with the information gathered from the item itself and the data entered in the various fields in the bib record, go to Class Web or use the LC G Class schedule to construct the correct LC call number for the item in hand.
  2. In general the date used in the call number is the date of information or situation. This date may be different from the date of edition, publication or distribution entered in field 260 $c. For more detail explanation about which date to use for the call number, refer to Map Cataloging Manual 1.16-1.17. Web access via (Need User ID and Password for Login).
  3. L C G Class
            1000 – 3122 Atlas
            3160 – 3182 Globes
            3190 – 9980 Maps
            3700 – 4384 Maps – United States
  4. G Class number ends with
            0 – General base map
            1 – Subject base map
            2 – General map for geographic region with a subject
            3 – General map for county/province
            4 – General map for city/town
  5. By subject
           .A Special category of maps and atlases
           .B Mathematical geography
           .C Physical sciences
           .D Biogeography
           .E Human and cultural geography, Anthropogeography, Human ecology
           .F Political geography
           .G Economic geography
           .H Mines and mineral resources
           .J Agriculture
           .K Forests and Forestry
           .L Aquatic biological resources
           .M Manufacturing and processing, Service industries
           .N Technology, Engineering, Public works
           .P Transportation and communication
           .Q Commerce and trade, Finance
           .R Military and naval geography
           .S History
  6. Instead of entering the date for the call number, the following is to be used to indicate item belongs to a class together map series, map serial or multi-volumes set.
            Scale                 Scale Symbol
            1:70                   s007
            1:700                 s07
            1:8,850              s8
            1:50,650            s50
            1:160,000                    s160
            1:1,000,000              s1000
            1:150,000,000   000     s150000
            Scales not given s000
            Not drawn to scale s000
            Map with 2 scales – use the large scale.
            Map with more than 3 scales – svar.
  7. Examples
    1. G4360 1970 .G46
      G4360 – Base map of California
      1970 – Date
      .G46 – Main entry Cutter
    2. G4362.M77C55 2002 .G7
      G4362 – Geographic region of California
      .M77 – Monterey Bay
      C55 – Dynamic and structural geology. Tectonics. Earthquakes (Seismology)
      2002 – Date
      .G7 – Main entry Cutter
    3. G4363.L6C5 2000 .T35
      G4363 – California by county
      .L6 – Los Angeles County
      C5 – Geology
      2000 – Date
      .T35 – Main entry Cutter
    4. G4364.L8F1 1999 .G4
      G4364 – California by city/town
      .L8 – Los Angeles city
      F1 – Political geography
      1999 – Date
      .G4 – Main entry Cutter
    5. G4364.L8:2B73G1 2000 .G4
      G4363 – California by city/town
      .L8 – Los Angeles city
      :2 – Borough
      B73 – Brentwood (Los Angeles)
      G1 – Economic geography
      2000 – Date
      .G4 – Main entry Cutter
    6. G3731.C5 svar no.90-42
      G3731 – Maine by subject
      .C5 – Geology
      svar – Map series class together
      No.90-42 – Number
      052 __ 3731
      072 _7 C5 $2 lcg
      099 __ G3731.C5 svar no.90-42
      245 10 Bedrock geology of the Danforth, Scraggly Lake, Forest, Waite, Vanceboro, and Kellyland 15” quadrangles, Maine
      440 _0 Open-file (Maine Geological Survey) ; $v no. 90-42

1XX Main Entry

  1. Often cartographic materials especially for the more contemporary maps, atlases, and materials in electronic format, an individual or a body/bodies of people may be the item’s author or creator, who is/are responsible for the intellectual and artistic content. A personal name may be described as “cartography by” or “drafted by.” That is the entry showed definite authorship of the item. The corporate body can be the publisher, distributor or the copyright holder. That personal or corporate name may also appear as part of the title or it is prominently appeared on the item.
  2. 1XX will be used as the main entry only when the statement of responsibility is clearly provided on the item and or from reliable outside source. If of any doubt or inapplicable, use the title as the main entry and use 7XX added entries for names of individuals and or corporate bodies associated with the creation of the item. Often 710, the added entry field will be added to the bib record for the publisher if it is not already entered in 110 as the main entry. Add a 500 Note to indicate how the 7XX name entries are related to the item.
  3. For copy-cataloging, verify the 1XX entry’s form and choice, control and accept.

245 Title

  1. Choose the most comprehensive title as the main title. That is to use the title that can best provide the geographic area and subject described by the item. May have to add a 500 Note to indicate where the title is found especially when cataloging cartographic electronic materials. Transcribe exactly how the title was found on the item. This may include the scale statement in Representative Fraction form (e.g. 1:150,000) as part of the title.
  2. For copy cataloging, verify 245 subfields $a and $b are the same as appeared on the item. Make sure the name(s) in $c is entered in the controlled form in either the 1XX and or the 7XX fields.
  3. Wiki Markup
    Refer to table---Work-Form for Bib Record, listed earlier in this 			documentation to find the correct General Material Designations (GMD) 			choice for 245 $h for the various types of cartographic materials.  Enclose 			the GMD in square brackets \[ \].  For a list of GMD used by OCLC, go to[]

246 Variant form of Title

  1. Different forms of the title may be found in various locations on the item. Locations like verso, vecto, outside or within the neat line or border, on different sheets, on the cover, envelope or container. If more than one form of the title is found on the item and or from outside sources related to the item, use 246 for the variant form of titles.
  2. Follow the Varying Form of Title documentation for adding any new 246 fields and or correcting the existing 246 fields.

250 Edition

  1. Because cartographic materials contain information graphically for a particular time, any slight update or revision, will impact the shown information. It is important to include the edition statement. This may be embedded as part of a title or may be expressed as a general statement, like “revised and updated in 1990 …”
  2. For copy cataloging, verify, accept, and or correct edition statement in the bib record. If the statement is found on the item but absent in the bib record, add 250 to the record.
  3. Components of a map series or a map collection may be published through a period of time with various updates and revisions. It is not uncommon to find within the same collection or series, sheet maps of different editions for the same area are included. In such a case, “various ed.” in square brackets will be used for the edition statement for that whole series or collection. A 500 Note field may be needed to indicate which editions are included and the number of sheets for each edition.
  4. If on the item, a true statement is found. At the same time if there is also a descriptive statement related to that edition statement, like history of the item, appeared on the item, if uncertain of whether the map in hand is a new revision of that edition, enter the edition statement in 250 and the seemingly related statement as a quoted 500 note.

255 Cartographic Mathematical Data

  1. This field is repeatable if needed for multiple pieces within the same title. Use separate 255 for each piece of material if they are of different data. 255 field includes the scale, projection and bounding coordinates statements. Information in each subfield should correspond to the information in 008 Proj. and 034 fields. Refer to the table in this documentation “To show match points for the various fields and subfields.” If needed, use 500 Note field(s) for any additional information about the scale, coordinates, zone, and equinox.
  2. For bib record of pre-AACR2 cataloging, the scale statement is in 507 field and not in 255 field.
  3. It is not required to enter information for subfields $b and $c. It is needed to enter the scale statement for subfield $a, disregard if 034 first indicator is 0 or 1. For example
            034 0_ a 255 __ Scales differ.
            034 0_ a 255 __ Scale not given.
            034 1_ a 255 __ Scale 1:250,000.
  4. For copy-cataloging, verify and accept 255. If information for $b and $c are readily available from the item, enter them in the various subfields.
  5. For original cataloging, only information for 255 $a is required to be entered. If information for $b and $c are readily available from the item, enter them in the various fields and subfields.
  6. Go to OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards--255 to get a complete guideline of how to enter the various subfields for 255.

300 Physical Description

  1. Subfield $a describes the number of separate physical pieces included in that item.
  2. Subfield $b describes the physical production, layout, color designation and mounting information of the item.
  3. Subfield $c is for data about the item’s dimensions, height by width in centimeters for print materials, like print sheet maps, an envelope or a container (box or tube) that holds the item. The dimensions will be in inches for electronic resources.
  4. Subfield $e is for the type of accompanied materials. Put the physical description in parenthesis.
  5. For copy cataloging, verify the information entered in the various subfields, and or make changes if needed.
  6. Examples:
            $a 1 map : $b col. ; $c 24 x 35 cm.
            $a 1 map : $b col. ; $c 24 x 35 cm., on sheet 28 x 40 cm.
            $a 2 maps on 1 sheet : $b col., both sides ; $c each 40 x 45 cm., sheet 44 x 49 cm.
            $a 1 map on 6 sheets ; $c 260 x 384 cm, sheets 42 x 60 cm.
            $a Maps : $b col. ; $c each 24 x 35 cm. or smaller.
            $a 1 map : $b col. ; $c 58 x 68 cm., folded in cover 21 x 10 cm.
            $a 1 map : $b col. ; $c 103 x 89 cm., in tube 8 cm. in diam.
            $a 1 map : $b col. ; $c 68 x 70 cm., folded in envelope 31 x 23 cm. + $e 1 booklet (iv, 25 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.)
            $a 1 atlas (xvii, 37 p.) : $b col. ; $c 31 cm.
            $a 1 atlas (2 v. (xxxi, 989 p.)) : $b col. ill., col. maps ; $c 31 cm.
            $a 1 CD-ROM : $b col. ill., col. maps ; $c 4 ¾ in.
            $a 2 DVD-ROMs : $b col. ill., maps (some col.) ; $c 4 ¾ in.
            $a 1 atlas on 1 microfilm reel ; $c 16 mm.
            $a 1 wall chart : $b col. ; $c 60 x 90 cm.

500 General Note

  1. Some of the more commonly seen 500 notes are
            Mode of access: … <For electronic resource material retrievable only by remote access.>
            Revision of: … <Check call number’s date, 008 Dates, 250, 260, 740 >
            Relief shown by … <Need to match the codes entered in 008 Relf.>
            “Cartography by …” <Check 1XX and 7XX fields>
            Blue line print. <Check 007>
            Facsimile of … <Check 007>
            Title from …
            At head of title: … <Check and or add 7XX field(s)>
            Data collected … <Check call number’s date>
            Reprint of … <Check call number’s date>
            Published in cooperation with … <Check 260 $c and 7XX fields>
            Also shows …
            Not all sheets have series designation on them. <Check 4XX/8XX fields>
            Accompanied by: … <Check 740 02 …>
            Includes index. <Check 008 Indx>
            Includes insets.
            Ancillary maps: …
            Issued with: … <Check 740 02 …>
            “Publisher’s No.: 234.”
  2. For a complete listing of the order and categories of Notes, refer to Cartographical materials, 8.7. Web access via
    (Need User ID and Password for Login).

538 System Detail Notes

  1. To be used if item and or its accompanied material is in cartographic electronic resource format.
  2. Usually enter this field right after the 300 field.
  3. If needed, use separate 538 for each piece of electronic resource material included.
  4. The Note starts with – System requirements:

650 Subject Added Entry – Topical Term
651 Subject Added Entry – Geographic Name

  1. Due to the content nature of cartographic materials, a 651 may be the first 6XX field in the bib record.
  2. Need to control all 6XX fields.
  3. The format for 650 subfields is – 650 _0 $a Topical term $y Chronological subdivision $z Geographical subdivision $v Form subdivision.
  4. The format for 651 subfields is – 651 _0 $a Geographic name $x General subdivision $v Form subdivision.
  5. Examples:
            650 _0 $a Geology $z Massachusetts $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Geology $z New England $v Maps.
            651 _0 $a Boston (Mass.) $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Geology $z Massachusetts $z Boston Metropolitan Area $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Land use, Urban $z Massachusetts $z Boston $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Geology, Stratigraphic $y Jurassic $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Petroleum $x Geology $z Mississippi $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Real property $z Massachusetts $z Suffolk County $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Harbors $z California $z Half Moon Bay $v Maps.
            651 _0 $a Half Moon Bay (Calif.) $v Maps.
            651 _0 $a Boston (Mass.) $x Population $v Maps.
            650 _0 $a Natural disasters $z California $v Maps.
            651 _0 $a California $v Maps, Topographic.

700 Added Entry – Personal Name

710 Added Entry – Corporate Name

  1. The 700 and 710 fields are to provide additional access points for individuals and or corporate bodies who are related to the creation and or intellectual and artistic content of the item. Usually a 710 field will be added to the bib record for the publisher/distributor of the item. A 500 Note field may be used to explain how the 700 and 710 entries are related to the item.
  2. Verify, add and or correct if needed, and control the entry headings.

740 Added Entry---Uncontrolled Related/Analytic Title

  1. 1st indicator is 0 and 2nd indicator is 2.
  2. For cataloging cartographic materials, 740 fields can be used to provide additional entries
    1. For pieces within an item that lacks a collective title.
    2. To the title or name-title of an item that is related to the item in hand.
    3. When the title in 245 indicates the item covers more than 1 but less than 3 geographic areas.
    4. To provide additional access points for titles listed in the 505 Content note field.
  3. Examples:
            245 00 $a Geology of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Island.
            740 02 $a Geology of Martha’s Vineyard.
            740 02 $a Geology of Nantucket Island.
            245 00 $a Geology of the Cape.
            505 00 $a Cape Cod – Martha’s Vineyard – Nantucket Island.
            740 02 $a Cape Cod.
            740 02 $a Martha’s Vineyard.
            740 02 $a Nantucket Island.