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h2. Managing the Staff List
{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Add / Remove Instructors and TAs {bgcolor}
In order for Stellar to list instructors and TAs on a class or section Homepage and Staff List page, they must be in the Instructor and TA user groups, respectively. Similarly, to remove an instructor or TA from a Homepage or Staff List page, remove that individual from the applicable user group.

There are three ways to access the pages for adding and removing teaching staff from user groups.
* Add/Remove Instructors and TAs through the homepage
* Add/Remove Instructors and TAs through the Staff list
* Add/Remove Instructors and TAs though the Access Control Page

h5. Directions to Add Instructors and TAs

# {toggle-cloak:id=1} Display the Homepage.
# {toggle-cloak:id=2} Click the "add/remove" link to the right of the list of Instructors or TAs. 
# Search for a user to add to your Instructor or TA list by typing a first name, a last name, a first name and last name, or a username in the "Lookup" section.  
# {toggle-cloak:id=3} Click Submit after you have found the users you want to add to your Instructor or TA list.

h5. Directions to Remove Instructors and TAs:
# {toggle-cloak:id=4} Display the Homepage.
# {toggle-cloak:id=5} Click the "add/remove" link to the right of the list of Instructors or TAs.
# {toggle-cloak:id=6} Check off the boxes of the members you would like to take off your instructor or TA list. 
# Click Submit.

Below are two other ways to change the Instructors and TAs:

\- From the Staff List page by clicking the 'Add or Remove Instructors' or the 'Add or Remove TAs' link. 
\- From the Access Control page by clicking the Instructors or TAs tab. For more information, see [Access Control|User Groups and Permissions#Access Control].

{info:title=Which method you use is a matter of preference; all methods use the same fields and lists.}

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Edit the Staff Details {bgcolor}
h5. Directions to Edit the Staff Details
# {toggle-cloak:id=a} Go to the Staff List page
# {toggle-cloak:id=b} Click the 'Edit Staff Details' link at the top of the page.
# Find the staff members whose details you wish to edit.
# Click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.

h5. Directions to Reorder the List of Staff Names:
# Display the Homepage.
# {toggle-cloak:id=8} Click the "reorder" link next to the Instructors or TAs.
# {toggle-cloak:id=9} In the Sort column, type the numbers indicating the order in which you want the names to appear. The number 1 (one) will be first, 2 will be second, and so on.
# {toggle-cloak:id=10} To arrange instructors and TAs in alphabetical order by last name again, click the "Order by Last Name Button"
# Click Submit to save the new list order.

There are two ways to view the Edit Staff Listing Order page:

\- Thought the Homepage
\- Through the Staff List 
# Do one of the following to display the Edit Staff Listing Order page:
#* Display the Homepage . Then click the reorder link (to the right of the Instructor or TA list).
#* Click Staff List in the navigation bar to display the Staff List page. Then click the reorder staff list link.
# To change the order in which the names are listed, do one of the following:
#* In the Sort column, type the numbers indicating the order in which you want the names to appear. The number 1 (one) will be first, 2 will be second, and so on.
#* Click the Order By Last Name button (below the tables) to sort the names alphabetically by last name.
# Click the Submit button to save the new list order.

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Edit your Personal Information {bgcolor}
On a Stellar website, your personal information is your name, office location, and phone number. Any changes to your personal information become the default for any future Stellar class websites and on section sites. However, the changes do not override the information displayed in classes where you are already an instructor or TA.

{info:title=You cannot change the email address. For MIT staff and students, Stellar uses the email address that is identical with the MIT Kerberos principal. For non-MIT accounts, Stellar uses the email address as the login name. In either case, the email address cannot be altered.}

h5. Directions to Change your Personal Information on the Homepage:
# {toggle-cloak:id=a} Display the Homepage.
# {toggle-cloak:id=b} Click on the "edit personal info" link next to your name'
# {toggle-cloak:id=c} Edit your personal information.
# Click submit to save changes.

h5. Directions to Change your Personal Information from the Staff List:
# {toggle-cloak:id=11} Click the link for Staff List in the navigation bar.
# {toggle-cloak:id=c} Click on the link for "Edit Staff Details" and scroll down the list until you find your name.
# {toggle-cloak:id=d} Click on "Change my information for all Stellar classes" link (this link is displayed in red under your name). The Edit Personal Information page is displayed.
# Enter your given, middle, and family names as you want them to appear in lists on the class website. If you use a suffix with your name (such as Jr., III, or Ph.D.), add it after your last name in the Family Name text box.
# (Optional) Enter an Office address and Phone number.
# Click the Submit button.

{info:title=Use the Staff List page to enter your office hours and to override the office location and phone number for a specific class or section. (The information on the Staff List is accessible only to class or section members.)}

{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Designate a Staff Member to Receive Access Requests {bgcolor}
When students and other members of the MIT community cannot log in to your class website, Stellar displays an email form that they can complete to request access. By default, the email is sent to all the website's instructors, TAs, and administrators. As an instructor, you can override the default and designate which staff members should receive these requests.
{info:title=Each class website must have at least one person who receives requests from students who cannot gain access to the website.}

h5. Directions to Designate Which Staff Member(s) Receives Access Requests:

# {toggle-cloak:id=12} Click Staff List on the navigation bar. 
# {toggle-cloak:id=13} Click the edit staff details link on the Staff List page. Stellar displays the Edit Staff Details page.
# Check the Receive Site Access Requests option for the staff member(s) who will receive the requests.
# {toggle-cloak:id=14} Remove the check for all other staff members.
# Click the Submit button.
