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Wiki Markup
* Currently items added to      DSpace@MIT total 2,580 working papers and reports.


* Items to be added to      DSpace@MIT by end of fiscal year total 6,681 working papers and reports.


* Currently items added to DOME      include 5,036 items (does not include the Architecture, Urban Planning,      and Visual Arts Collection)


* Items to be added to DOME      by end of fiscal year total approximately 7,000 items to include images,      journals, research notebooks and technical reports


* DOME has 38,316 items


* Contributed 2,209 books to the Internet Archive


* As of January 1, 2010 there were 249,110 total downloads of the items in the Internet Archive


* Ranked 6th out of 23 contributing BLC institutions in contribution to the Internet Archive


* 13,352 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts since July '08


* 10,360 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts fiscal year '08-'09


* 2,992 images added to Architecture, Urban Planning, and Visual Arts since July '09 to present


New Media, Experiment, Outreach:


* flickr:168,790 views of our images in flickr


* flickr:Vail Balloon prints 29 photos added March 26, 2009 with 843 visitors viewing the collection


* flickr:Kepes Lynch 1,908 photos added June 16, 2008 with 12,177 visitors viewing the collection


* flickr:our flickr sets were mentioned in approximately 10 blogs

As of August 18, 2010:

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{color:black}DSpace@MIT:{color}{color:black}\*Items: &nbsp;42,895{color}{color:black}\*Collections:&nbsp; 498{color}{color:black}\*Size: 870GB{color}\\ {color:black}Dome:{color}{color:black}\*Items:&nbsp; 46,082{color}{color:black}\*Collections: &nbsp;10{color}{color:black}\*Size: &nbsp;1.086GB{color}\\ {color:black}Total:{color}{color:black}\*Items: &nbsp;88,977{color}{color:black}\*Collections: &nbsp;508{color}\*Size:&nbsp; 1.9TB