* Login to web interface: https://mageuca.nersc.gov:8443/
* Generate one time keys for Eucalyptus form the interface: https://mageuca.nersc.gov:8443
upload keys to local machine in to .euca directory
* Upload euca2tols tool kit form http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/Euca2oolsGuide
in particular I followed '/Euca2oolsInstallJaunty_v1.1' for my Ubuntu VM deployment,
but skip step about updating /etc/apt/sources.list with 'deb http://www.eucalyptussoftware.com/downloads/repo/euca2ools/1.1/ubuntu jaunty universe'
I did:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install euca2ools
Check euca2ools by executing e.g.: euca2ools
should complain about missing keys but program must be found
* Generate one time keys for Eucalyptus form the interface: https://mageuca.nersc.gov:8443
upload keys to local machine in to .euca directory