All of the tasks are learnt by trying and by watching others maybe.
We leave the possibility of instructions or a help button open, for later stages in the design. General constraints for tasks:
1) Goal: Create a profile. No sub tasks.
Frequency: Done once.
2) Goal: Maintain profile
Preconditions: You have to create a profile, before you can do anything on the website.
Must know: Username and Password
Sub tasks: - Log in
- , Update/Change your info, view
- View your profile
Constraints: No time constraints and you can have 24/7 access.
Frequency: Depends on the user, since there are no restrictions.
3) Goal: Create/Update trip
This could be considered as part of the “Maintain Profile” task, but it is a very important task, therefore we are stating it separately.
Preconditions: Again, you have to create a profile and in order to update a trip you have to have it already created.
Sub tasks: - Log in, type
- Type trip info
- Upload , upload pictures.
- Also, you can just view the trip.
Constraints: Maybe memory constraints on the data that the website will be able to hold.
Frequency: Depends on the user, since there are no restrictions.